Real Girls, Real Stories

Find yourself feeling alone, scared? Read stories of other women who have been there. Need someone to talk to? Contact Sofia!

I could just die

When things get good, why do they go wrong? Wednesday I started having pain, more pain then i've ever had, and i called my doctor, and she told me...

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Kenzii Rose DiBenedetti…?(;

OH MY GOD. I've never been sooooo impatient in my life!! I'm 39 weeks tomorrow and dying to go into labor already. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow...

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Christmas and Motherhood

Wow, these last nine weeks have been long. Long and short. Long because time does not pass fast, at all, especially when you're up every half an...

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Part twoo

So I may have forgotten a few things... Well, one little thought. I don't know if it's just the time of pregnancy, but I can't wait to add another...

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14 days left!

38 weeks today (: Christmas in two days. 😀 yay. I didn't ask for much. Just a healthy son. That's all... And maybe something shiny from Thomas (:...

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I Started To Panic!

I Started To Panic!

I have been married for a year and a half now to my best friend of eight years. My husband works while I continue to finish my university, online as...

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