Real Girls, Real Stories
Find yourself feeling alone, scared? Read stories of other women who have been there. Need someone to talk to? Contact Sofia!
My story.
So today is a whole month since we brought our son home (8th July today), and it's coming up onto the 13th of July, which means he will be 3 months...
am i going crazy?
Well, I'm 19 years old and I have a one-year-old son. I start college in September and I'm thinking about having another baby. I know everybody is...
Don’t Be Afriad To Admit You Have A Problem(Step 1)
At least that's what they call step one. It's kind of where I am right now. I've met a lot of girls who struggle with depression, self-harm, and...
We Want It.
Hi. Good day! Me and my boyfriend are living together for 1 year. And we want to have a baby. We even think of names for our future babies. But it's...
He’s home. My baby boy is finally home!
After 8 long weeks in the hospital, our son has finally settled in at home with us, with his family, where he belongs. It's been a long couple of...
You Can Do It On Your Own!
I found out I was pregnant when I was 16 years old going into my senior year of high school. I couldn't even believe it was true because I have...