School school school!
So you all know my son, who is 10 months old now! (I was 14 when I gave birth and now I’m nearly 16). As you guys know, I went to school up until the day before my induction (emergency induction). Yes, it was hard with the big belly and all but, you gotta do […]

So you all know my son, who is 10 months old now! (I was 14 when I gave birth and now I’m nearly 16). As you guys know, I went to school up until the day before my induction (emergency induction). Yes, it was hard with the big belly and all but, you gotta do whatcha gotta do! Lol. Then about a month after Dallas was born, I was back in school after the Christmas Break! In between all that, I was home-schooled.

Yes, it’s hard being a teen mom and going to school with only having about 2 hours to do homework before your fiancรฉe and little man get home. Those of you in school; high school or college, will know about the workload. I am currently in grade 11 with a mix of college and university courses. I am looking into being an RN (Registered Nurse).

Anyway, I am really busy spending time with my family and getting schoolwork done to do the best I can. I don’t have time for all my accounts anymore, so I am doing Teen Mom vlogs on my YouTube as well as videos of my little one (:

I hope you all can check out my YouTube and ask me questions and/or give me some suggestions!

I miss you all so much, you are great to talk to,

Love you lots!



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