So today is a whole month since we brought our son home (8th July today), and it’s coming up onto the 13th of July, which means he will be 3 months old. And a few people have asked me about my story, so I think it’s coming up about the right time to explain.
I found out I was pregnant when I was coming up on 14 weeks along. I had to figure out how I got pregnant and who by. Turns out it was my last ‘serious’ boyfriend. We were only together for a few months, but I lost my virginity to him. We only slept together a few times before we split up. I fell pregnant just before my 15th birthday, in late November. I tried explaining to the father that I needed help, and if he wasn’t going to help, I was considering adoption. He convinced me to keep the baby. At my 16 week ultrasound, we found out our baby was a boy. Not long after that ultrasound, me and the father got back together. We sorted our issues out and became really close. We had a 3d ultrasound booked just before i reached 18 weeks. The pictures where great quality taking into consideration how far a long I was.
I was rushed into hospital for the second time, but this time was serious. I was just reaching 20 weeks into my pregnant. Half way! I was diagnosed with major placenta previa. That is when the placenta is lower than the baby. My son was on top of the placenta. And as he was growing bigger, as my pregnancy progressed, he was putting more pressure on the placenta, causing me to bleed and have sharp pains. As it was major, I was estimated another month or two before I delivered. A cervical stitch was put in place to make sure my baby would stay in for as long as possible. I was in hospital for a week, and ordered bed rest, no school or sexual contact. By this stage, I was already the size of a full term woman. I had so much amniotic fluid and a big baby for my stage. So much pressure was being put on my placenta.
At 23 weeks & 4 days, my waters broke whilst I was at home. An ambulance was called and I was rushed into the labour ward. My cervical stitch was removed and i was monitored over night. There was no sign of contractions or dilation. I was sent home the next morning to collect some clothes and get some rest, I was ordered to go back in if I felt the slightest pain. Within the next few hours, I was back at the hospital. Within 2 hours at being in hospital, I was already 9cm’s dilatated. My son was delivered shortly after.
He weighed 2 pounds, 1/2 ounce. Measuring 11cm’s long. He was tiny. He was admitted straight to the NICU and was put on CPAP. He was critical. His survival was 50/50. Not much happened after he was born.
He was in NICU for just over 8 weeks. He had his bad days and his good days. He made me proud though. He gained weight so quickly, and learnt to breath so quickly. He was off CPAP after 8 days, but went downhill at 12 days and went back on CPAP. He went back on canola at 17 days. And stayed like that. He had longs of ‘kangaroo therapy’. The nurses also done a lot of bonding therapy with us. To make sure he knew who we where.
The father proposed in the NICU too, on the 5th of May. He made my son’s heart rate increase. His heart rate always seemed to increase when there was love in the room. He was so clever. On the 8th of June, we got the all clear and our 4 pound baby boy was ready to come home.
He had daily checkups with the home nurse to check he was still making progress, and he was. He also has follow up scans next week to double check he is still doing well. He now weighs 4 pounds 10 ounces. He’s so big!
So yea, that’s basically my story. Don’t think i missed anything.
Well, I’m 19 years old and I have a one-year-old son. I start college in September and I’m thinking about having another baby. I know everybody is gonna say it will be too hard, but that just makes me wanna prove them wrong even more. My boyfriend doesn’t want anymore because he has 3 siblings, but I’m an only child. He doesn’t know what it’s like to not have anybody to turn to when you’re a child and my boyfriend always hangs out with his brother and I want my son to have a sibling to have a relationship with. I don’t want them to be far apart in age and I know if I wait till after college, my son will be 3… Am I still gonna wanna have one then?
Am I just overthinking things? Am I crazy for wanting another now?
At least that’s what they call step one. It’s kind of where I am right now. I’ve met a lot of girls who struggle with depression, self-harm, and eating disorders. But I never wanted to think I had that same problem. It takes a lot to speak up about what’s going on in your life. No matter what it may be. I guessed I’ve struggled with depression since I was about 12. It was when my uncle on my dad’s side died. I’ve never felt such connection in the air like something had gone before. I miss him and his nickname for me. It was the only thing he called me when I saw him.
I’m not sure where the eating disorder began. I just never really noticed. I used to self-harm, but I fixed that on my own. Won’t lie, I still get the urges to. But I tell myself no. I’m not afraid to admit I have a problem. I’m not afraid to get help. I know that many girls and guys are going through the same things as I am. I know I have support in my family as much as my parents don’t want to admit I have a problem.
That’s another thing. Just because your parents are afraid to speak up about their child having a problem doesn’t mean you should be afraid to speak up yourself.
You are beautiful,
Hi. Good day!
Me and my boyfriend are living together for 1 year. And we want to have a baby. We even think of names for our future babies. But it’s hard for me to get pregnant, is it possible because of my miscarriage last year?
After 8 long weeks in the hospital, our son has finally settled in at home with us, with his family, where he belongs. It’s been a long couple of days since he’s been home. Restless nights, stressful days. But seeing my son’s smile at home is fantastic. Me and my fiancé are getting a lot of help from his family at home, seeing as we live there. His mum takes him for an hour or so each day so we can get some sleep, and if I need to do any school work. We’re not keen on someone taking him out of the house yet, he’s still so small and he isn’t immune yet, We don’t want him catching bugs.
My fiancé has already had a mix-up. He made my son’s first bottle at home. He put two extra scoops of powder and made it with cold water. It was so funny. I’m not returning back to school until September. But I have to go in if there is an exam. I’ve got a Geography one on the 14th of June. Then that’s it until next year. So I can spend as much time as I want with my gorgeous son and fiancé.
My son wakes up about 4 times during the night, but I’m getting used to waking up, so is my fiancé. Its all been very stressful. We’re getting there though.
My son has gained 2 pounds since being at home, been over feeding him haha. I’m so proud of him. So I’m sorry if I post too many pictures of him 🙂 I just love him so much……
I found out I was pregnant when I was 16 years old going into my senior year of high school. I couldn’t even believe it was true because I have always made sure we used protection, but like the doctors said, “accidents happen.” I decided to keep my baby. I had lots of experience with babies so I figured if I knew I could do it then it wouldn’t be fair to my son to have an abortion or give him up for adoption. But choosing that option made my parents kick me out and send me to a maternity home in a whole different part of town, which wasn’t too bad at first, but I ended up being there 7 long months. Telling the dad changed my life more than I could have imagined.
His response was denial. “That’s not my baby. I want a test and until then, you won’t hear from me.” We only dated a couple of weeks and had a really bad breakup so I kind of figured his response to be along the lines of that. A couple of months later, he called me randomly saying he wanted to be there for his son and come up to where I was staying to see me and come discuss everything. He also wanted me to catch him up and send him ultrasounds, etc. I figured this was a really good thing. Maybe my baby would have his dad in his life. After that phone call, I didn’t hear from the dad again until I was over 9 months pregnant. Again, he called me randomly and asked to come up so we could discuss the plan once the baby came since I was so close to my due date, but his only thing was that he wouldn’t come unless he could bring his girlfriend so I reluctantly said yes. When he came up, everything seemed cool. We discussed the plan and I just said I’d text him once I was in labor. On April 23rd, my water broke. I was in labor for 21 hours and had my baby boy the morning of the 24th. The father knew I was in labor and was excited when I texted him a picture after I had my baby. He was going to come to the hospital after work. I was in the hospital for 3 days and come day 3, my baby still didn’t have a name. He didn’t like my choices and I didn’t like his. I figured since I went to every doctor’s appointment alone and he saw me once through that whole 9 months that I would just name the baby. Once I told him, he told me he wasn’t coming to the hospital because he hated that name. From there everything went downhill with him. We’ve gotten into many fights, harassment, and finally, he denied our son.
My son is now 2 months old and the father’s seen him once and that was only because his family didn’t tell him he was going to be at their house. Jordan has also now gotten another girl pregnant and has already been to her ultrasounds. I filed for child support and he’s reacting like he cares more about money than his own son. To this day, I cannot understand how someone can treat his own flesh and blood so poorly. On the bright side, I got a full-time job and my GED. I left the maternity home and got my own place, and am starting college classes next fall. I also have the most beautiful baby boy and I’m so glad he can’t understand what’s going on right now. Even with the unbelievable situation I’m in and have been in, I don’t regret my choice of keeping him. He makes everything better and he’s already twice the man his dad is ever going to be. And the good thing about all of this is my son is a little mama’s boy and I love that! Stay strong girls, keeping my baby is the best thing I’ve ever done, and if your baby’s dad is not involved you don’t need him! You can do it on your own and go to him years later and show off what a good job you did.