Please Help me
I am a 15 year old. Okay, so what happened is my boyfriend of two years asked me for a hand job so I started and didn’t wanna finish and so he finished himself, then he fingered me and we didn’t think about cum being all over his hand. Now it’s time for my period […]

I am a 15 year old.

Okay, so what happened is my boyfriend of two years asked me for a hand job so I started and didn’t wanna finish and so he finished himself, then he fingered me and we didn’t think about cum being all over his hand. Now it’s time for my period and I’m just having like a light spotting. I’m scared to death. My parents are really strict and are gonna think I’m lying about now having sex. like they are very against teen pregnancy. So I don’t know how to tell them or how to handle this I mean they are so strict they won’t even let me watch Teen Mom on MTV.

Help me, please. I have a lot of symptoms except for throwing up, please any advice on telling my parents and everything please tell me 🙁

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