im hear to listen and help if i can
Hi everyone. My name is Brittany. I’m 22 with three kids and the fourth on the way. I wanted to share my story with you all. I hope it can help some. I got pregnant with my daughter when I was 16. Yes, I was scared and had a lot of emotions running through my […]

Hi everyone. My name is Brittany. I’m 22 with three kids and the fourth on the way. I wanted to share my story with you all. I hope it can help some.

I got pregnant with my daughter when I was 16. Yes, I was scared and had a lot of emotions running through my head. Not only were my own thoughts getting in the way, but that of some of my family and friends. I told my boyfriend at the time and he was scared but excited at the same time. Not long after I found out he left and went to Mexico. My mother and friends were all telling me that he wasn’t going to come back and to abort the baby because it was mixed race and I was too young. After a week of him being gone, I started to believe everyone and was thinking about giving her up for adoption. I’m pro-life so that was my way out. Three weeks had passed and he came back and picked me straight up from my mom’s house. We are now married and have been for 5 years.

The point of me telling you all this is because people will say things and talk, but in the end, it is your choice and not theirs. Stay strong and do what you think is best for you. You are your own person and no one can take your free will away from you. Stay strong and keep your heads up. Things will seem bad at that point, but with every rainfall there will be a rainbow šŸ™‚

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