His parents said …

by | 2006 | Real Stories

One morning I woke up and I ran to the bathroom and threw up. I stayed home from school thinking I just had the flu. I didn’t even think about being pregnant. It wasn’t until health class one day that I even thought about that possiblity. We were talking about the syptoms women get when […]

One morning I woke up and I ran to the bathroom and threw up. I stayed home from school thinking I just had the flu. I didn’t even think about being pregnant. It wasn’t until health class one day that I even thought about that possiblity. We were talking about the syptoms women get when they are pregnant. I had some of the syptoms.

Dear Becky — Hi. My name is Rae and I am 16 years old. I found out I was Pregnant about 6 months ago. I was really scared but when I found your site I got really excited. I read stories of girls my age that had kept their babies. I have decided to keep my baby. Without the fathers help.

Well, Heres my story.

My friend Laura was going out with my best guy friend Matt. (I had a crush on him sense forever, but I always thought he looked at me as just a friend.)

Well, one night Laura and Matt got into a huge fight and he came over to talk. I guess things just got out of control. One minute we were talking and the next we were taking off each others clothes. I know we shouldn’t have. I felt so horrible.

How could I do something that horrible to my friend? I had sex for the first time that night. We didn’t use protection.

Matt and I never talked about what happened. We never told Laura. They got back together the next day. Every time they were together I would get really jealous. I had no right to be jealous but I was and I couldn’t help it.

Well, a month had passed and it seemed like everything was about back to normal between Matt and I again. One morning I woke up and I ran to the bathroom and threw up. I stayed home from school thinking I just had the flu. I didn’t even think about being pregnant. It wasn’t until health class one day that I even thought about that possiblity. We were talking about the syptoms women get when they are pregnant. I had some of the syptoms.

I went to the store and bought a pregnancy test. It was Positive. I cried myself to sleep that night. I had sex ONE TIME and I got pregnant. I felt like I was being punished.

I called Matt the next day and told him. I was crying the whole time. He kept saying he was sorry over and over again. He told Laura the next day. They broke up and she hasn’t talked to either of us sense. I don’t blame her. Look as what we did.

We told our parents. His parents said I should get an abortion. They were so mad at us. I even thought about abortion. I set up an appointment and everything. But I couldn’t go through with it. I don’t believe in it. It would go against every thing I believe in. I was looking online at baby things and I found your site. I read some girls stories and I decided to keep my baby.

Matt and I were together as much as possible at first. But then we started fighting. He goes out drinking with his friends all the time now. We don’t talk much anymore. I don’t want to raise my child on my own, but I will if I have to.

I will name my baby Lily Marie if it is a girl and Lee Jordan if it is a boy. I am 7 months along and I am getting really nervous about having my baby. But I know I can do it.


Dearest Rae – I’m Lisa and I am from the Stand Up Girl website.

I have to tell you as I am beginning my response to you … I am almost speechless! You are truly a Stand Up Girl and I am so happy that you did not choose to abort as his parents had wanted you to do. This is their grandbaby and there will come a day when everyone will see your baby and everyone will fall in love.

But in the meantime you are Standing strong and I am so very proud of you!

The names you chose for your baby are absolutely beautiful! Perfect!

Please know, you do not Stand alone Rae! Keep coming back to our website and read about more stores of girls like you.

I truly believe that your story will also encourage another girl … just like the stories on our site have encouraged you.

I’m sure your story will also touch someone out there … someone who just needed to read your story to be encouraged!

Thank you for your e-mail.

Luv Lisa


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