Help im so confused!!!!!!!

by | 2007 | Real Stories

Hi Im naomi and my partner and i have been trying for a baby for 11months now. Anyway lets cut to the chase shall we. My periods are regular and my normal cycle lasts for aproximately 31-32 day. My last period began on the 1st october 07&nbsp ; and during this time my partner and […]

Hi smile

Im naomi and my partner and i have been trying for a baby for 11months now. Anyway lets cut to the chase shall we. My periods are regular and my normal cycle lasts for aproximately 31-32 day. My last period began on the 1st october 07&nbsp ; and during this time my partner and i had the usual sex routine however on the 28th of October to my surprise i got my period i have experienced early periods before but this time my period only lasted 2-3 days and i didnt loose alot of blood which is very stange as my periods are fairly heavy. I have also been experiencing pain in my breast and very tender nipples which stick out i also am feeling a bit of nausea but im not sure if this is down to nerves. I also have headaches

I just wanted to know if anyone has experienced similar problems as i am stuck and dont know what to do.emotion 7


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