
by | 2010 | Real Stories

im confused and really need help!ive been with my boyfriend just over a month and have just fallen pregnant with his baby.were both 18 and he wants me to get an abortion.ive been against abortions my whole life and really dont think i could go through with it.but im terrified i’ll loose him and end […]

im confused and really need help!
ive been with my boyfriend just over a month and have just fallen pregnant with his baby.
were both 18 and he wants me to get an abortion.
ive been against abortions my whole life and really dont think i could go through with it.
but im terrified i’ll loose him and end up on my own.
i havent told my parents, i cant face it until ive decided what to do but i know theyll be supportive no matter what. what should i do???????

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