Britney Maynard – A life Choice

Recently Facebook has been on fire with the story of Britney Maynard.  She is a 29-year-old woman with terminal brain cancer.  She has set November 1st of this year as the day she will take her life though physician-assisted suicide.  She has decided to use the remaining weeks of her life to travel, spend time with her family, and to promote physician-assisted suicide.  Her choice to end her own life and escape suffering from cancer has been very controversial.

On one hand, suffering is painful and no one wants to suffer, so it seems that the most compassionate thing is to let a person choose how they want to die and to let them pass in a way that is free from suffering.  But is suffering bad and should it be avoided?
Yes, suffering is bad—it’s very, very bad.  Everyone has suffered to one extent or another, and no one enjoys going through a pain.  But should it be avoided?  Suffering is not something that we should willfully bring upon ourselves, but when suffering unexpectedly finds us, we don’t have to run away.

Oftentimes when we experience pain, it makes us better people.  But why should Britney Maynard, for example, be worried about becoming a better person if she is just going to die?  The answer is that suffering is not all about the person who is dying; it is also about those people surrounding the dying person.  “True compassion leads to sharing another’s pain; it does not kill the person whose suffering we cannot bear.”
Right now, for example, it is autumn and all the leaves are turning beautiful colors.  The truth, however, is that the leaves are beautiful because they are dying.  If we just pulled all the leaves off the trees so that they would not have to go through the dying process, we would miss all of the beauty around us.

And so it goes with someone who is dying.  Although death is not beautiful like autumn leaves, there is beauty in the dying process because suffering with someone enriches our lives and develops our character and even our humanity.  So while some argue that it is compassionate to put a suffering person out of his/her misery, true compassion means not ending their life, but sharing in another’s suffering.  It takes a person who is truly in touch with humanity and truly loving to stand beside someone when they are suffering, ugly, distorted, and dying.
But what does any of this have to do with unplanned pregnancy?  Going through an unplanned pregnancy is difficult, and there is a tremendous amount of suffering involved too.  Suffering like, finishing school and having a baby, raising a child without a father, struggling financially, being teased at school for being pregnant, and on and on.

Some women when faced with this kind of suffering choose abortion to avoid the pain.  But when someone can embrace the suffering resulting from an unexpected pregnancy, it can benefit, not only them, but the people around them.  In spite of her situation the woman gains a child, the woman’s family gains a new family member, and the child is allowed to have a life and have a future.

Whether someone is talking about death from physician-assisted suicide or death through abortion, the life of the person always has meaning.  A life that seems insignificant or purposeless through our eyes does not make it so.  When we look below the surface we can see that our lives are not detached from one another, but that we are all connected and therefore we must share in the suffering of others.

Body And Soul Are Connected

StandUpGirl Nicki Minaj

In August, Nicki Minaj premiered her video, Anaconda.  When it debuted it broke the record for the most views in 24 hours.  Some people praised the video saying that it empowered women; others criticized it because they said it is sexist.  This is not the first time the line between empowerment and sexism has become blurred, but how ought we to think about women, culture, sexism, and empowerment?

What is of great importance in this conversation is that the body and soul are connected.  In other words, what we do with our body affects our soul and what we do with our soul affects our body.  For example, the other day I was upset by some bad news I had received.  I was worried and my chest felt really tight.  It felt like someone had placed a weight on it.  In this instance I had a physical reaction in my body to the stress I was feeling internally.


Domestic Violence It Is Too Common!

StandUpGirl ray rice domestic abuse football

Recently the news has exploded with the Ray Rice case.  Here is an article in case you haven’t heard about it yet:

Ray Rice is a football player who was caught on tape hitting his fiance in an elevator. The sad thing about this story is that domestic violence of this type happens a lot and not just to people who are rich and famous.  Domestic violence is common and often not spoken about. 


A Thank You Letter To The Guy That Made Me A Single Mom

StandUpGirl happy little girl

A Thank You Letter To The Guy That Made Me A Single Mom At 19
by Madi Baker

I know I could have sent this to you by email or a text but I also know how you are and realize the chances of you actually taking the time to read anything I have to say is slim to none. However, regardless of if you take a moment to sit down and read this or not I would just like to say thank you. Thank you for everything you have done, and for everything you have provided me with.


No One Can Legally Make You!

StandUpGirl distressed girl with hands on head

Recently a woman in Florida gave birth in her bathroom and hid her baby under the sink.  This was her second pregnancy; during her first, she was forced to have an abortion. Unfortunately it is a myth that women aren’t forced or coerced into having an abortion, and it happens all too often. 
    The truth is, no matter what your age, even if you are a minor, no one can legally make you have an abortion.  People may, however, coerce you to have one, but what does coerce mean?  Coercion means when someone makes you do something you don’t want to do by force or compulsion. 


What About Birth Control?

StandUpGirl woman holding pregnancy test

You may have heard the term abortifacient mentioned in the news in conjunction with the Supreme Court’s ruling in the Hobby Lobby case.  Many are unaware of what an abortifacient is and how it works.  Even more are unaware that the issue of abortifacients affects them personally.  Some types birth control that are prescribed are actually abortifacients.     

  An abortifacient is a drug or a device that can be used to cause an abortion, in most cases an early abortion.  Regular hormonal contraceptives, or birth control pills, that you might get from your doctor have three primary ways of working.  (You can find this on the package insert for the birth control.)  The way in which it works depends on many factors, and the woman taking the medication does not know how it will work in her body.
