I Called To Make The Appointment

friends huggingHi Becky, I want to thank you for your wonderful web site which has provided such great relief and a sense of comfort to me over the past couple weeks. I have been thinking about my own abortion nonstop and I can’t get it out of my head-your site has helped me connect with many girls who have been through exactly what I have.

My name is Eryn and I am 19 years old, soon to be twenty in November. I have spent the last couple days thorougly reading through each and every story you have posted on your website. Each one brought tears to my eyes and let me know that I was not alone in my regret and sadness. I would like to share my story with others as well, so here goes.

I have a wonderful boyfriend named Tony whom I fell in love with rather quickly. He and I are still together to this day and plan on getting married and having kids sometimes later on. However, in August of 2003, after we had been dating for six months, I started getting a sneaking feeling I was pregnant. I was 18 years old and Tony was my first serious relationship. I immediately felt stupid because I had never been on birth control and we had been sleeping together since our second month of dating. So I couldn’t really blame anyone but myself. I didn’t get my period on time and I just had a feeling..I know a lot of people say that and I think women’s intuition is almost always right. So, Tony and I bought a pregnancy test. It was negative. When I saw the result, I almost felt disappointed. I can’t really explain why, it just seemed like I wanted something that was going to change my life, especially this. So when I thought nothing had changed I was actually upset by it.

However, time passed and still no period. Tony and I both kind of knew though, and he humored me and bought more tests. We took about two a week, because I was so impatient just to know. I knew that I was pregnant, and I just wanted confirmation! Finally, one night I took a test, and there was a second line, no question about it. I had been expecting it so my reaction wasn’t to cry or be shocked. I was actually relieved that I had finally found out. It was better to be sure and make a decision, than to not know and continue to wonder and wait in anxiousness.

Immediately we began discussing abortion. It seemed there was no question. We spoke hypothetically about keeping it, and Tony told me that if I really wanted to he would support me. He said that he was just scared because a lot of his friends had kids at a young age and they had not really done anything with their life as a result, and he didn’t want that to happen to him or me. I was scared and I’m not going to say my decision was influenced by Tony at all. Maybe if he really really wanted a baby it would have been easier to keep it, but we were both in the mindset of, “we’re going to get married, we have the rest of our lives to have kids.” I wasn’t very religious at the time and I had always been pro-choice; however, I don’t think anyone ever pictures themselves in a position where they would have to make that choice. I just couldn’t picture myself having a baby; images of people I knew who were teenage mothers popped into my head and I just didn’t see myself in that “group” (like those girls chose to be a part of it, right?)

So we layed on his bed discussing it for a while, and then I got up and started researching abortion on his computer. The actual descriptions of the procedure began to scare me-words like “suction” and “vacuum” are not good to hear when they are pertaining to my uterus and other parts of my body. I began to cry. Tony held me and we silently agreed that I would go through with it.

When I called to make the appointment it was almost a breeze-no big deal. Like I was scheduling a regular checkup. Tony got off work so that he could come with me, and I rearranged my schedule. The night before I was a nervous wreck but somehow managed to sleep. At the time I didn’t think there was anything morally wrong with abortion, and I didn’t think I would be regretful-I was just scared of the abortion itself. To tell the truth it was exciting to think of something growing inside of me, but I never really gave it a chance-I don’t think I even stopped smoking. I just figured, I’m getting an abortion anyway. It never crossed my mind that there was a living breathing thing inside of me. I was just scared to have a baby and felt unprepared and too young and too financially unstable and too this and too that. So I went through with it.

We drove to the clinic the next afternoon (on September 8th, 2003) and I remember being hungry (you’re not supposed to eat anything beforehand) and dizzy-I had been feeling dizzy every day over the past couple weeks. I was hoping to show up at Planned Parenthood and be in and out in a few hours-this was not the case. Let me just say that it is ridiculous to make a girl set an appointment under the belief that she will be able to be seen at that particular time. They might as well just tell you over the phone, “be prepared to sit and wait and walk in and out of doors for four to six hours.” Because that’s basically what it was. Tony and I were the first ones there and I arrived fifteen minutes before my appointment time (1:30). I filled out some initial paperwork and over the next two hours more girls came in and did the same. There were a variety of ages and situations-there was some very young looking girl who came with her mom, and a blonde girl who came with her mom and either her boyfriend or her brother (I couldn’t figure out which), some couples, some people who came by themselves, some older ladies who had three kids, one girl who’d already had an abortion eight years ago.

The first time I was called into the actual hospital area of the clinic, they gave me a vaginal ultrasound. I later was told that I was six weeks and three days pregnant (I recently looked up photographs of six-week-old embryos and realized what my baby looked like at that time). After the ultrasound there was more waiting in the waiting room, which was quickly filling up. I started to feel very dizzy and sick sitting in the chair. There was more waiting and more paperwork and more girls were called back into the hospital for their ultrasounds. Then there was more waiting…and more waiting. Finally I was called into the hospital area and, thinking this was it, was disappointed only to have my blood taken and be weighed. I was then ushered into a room full of recliners where two other girls were already sitting. We talked about abortion and children and how far along we were (the blonde girl was only seven weeks and already throwing up three times a day), etc. We realized that we were waiting for the other girls (I think there were about ten) to get their blood drawn also, and we sat there waiting for about 45 minutes. Finally everyone was in the recliner room and one of the nurses put on a movie about first trimester abortion. It wasn’t anything I hadn’t read online, so I was pretty bored. Afterwards, another nurse told us we’d be given 800mg of ibuprofen, for the cramping, and valium. We were let out into the waiting room again-by this time Tony had been sitting in a chair for almost four hours.

We then were called back into the hospital area, to go over our paperwork one last time-but not before one of the ladies informed me that my blood type was negative and so I was required to pay for a post-abortion shot that cost $60-we were $40 short. I started crying and told Tony we wouldn’t be able to do it today, etc. He then went up to the lady and got her to give me a form that would allow them to bill me for the full amount-$75. He promised to pay for it, but I didn’t care. I was just scared that I would have to come back and go through the whole process all over again. I was almost in tears. By this time they had already called my name twice, but I had to wait and fill out some more forms. Finally they called my name again, and I went back thinking this was it-wrong. They just wanted to go over my paperwork, my medical history, make sure I didn’t have any allergies or STDs and that I wasn’t being pressured by anyone to have an abortion. The counselor I spoke with honestly didn’t make me feel like she was very concerned about whether or not it was my choice, so I just told her what she wanted to hear. I was then sent back out into the waiting room. A few minutes later I was called back to take the medicine-ibuprofen and valium. I came back out to the waiting room. The valium was having different effects on everyone. The blonde girl got up and nearly fell over. Another girl did the same when she attempted to walk to the bathroom. But I was fine. I felt a little dizzy, but then again I had been feeling like that all day. I rested my head on Tony’s shoulders for a while and then I heard them call my name, hoping this was the last time.

I was sent into a room and told to put a maxi pad onto my change of underwear so that the nurse could just slip it onto my legs when the operation was over. I did so and undressed from the waist down, then I lied down on an examination table with my legs up in holsters. The doctor came in with an assistant, and one of the nurses I’d met earlier held my hand.

I can only describe what happened next as some of the worst pain of my life. The process is this: the doctor injects an anesthesia into your cervix, which hurts. He then dilates your cervix, which hurts more as it goes on. He then begins to apply suction to your uterus, which creates extremely painful cramping as the uterus becomes smaller as the pregnancy tissue is sucked out. I was told to take deep breaths and hold them-which seemed virtually impossible. What I did, actually, was begin to scream very loudly, to the point where the nurse holding my hand said, “You can’t scream! Help me out, Eryn!” But I didn’t care who heard me, I was in so much pain and I didn’t have anybody I cared about there to help me get through it.

After it was over I could barely breathe. I lie there with tears running down my face as the nurse put my underwear on, wrapped a paper sheet around me, and led me to the room with the recliners, which was now dimmed, and each recliner was equipped with a blanket and heating pad. I welcomed both of them. They took my blood pressure, and I cried, trying to get over the cramping, which was very painful and wasn’t going away fast enough. I remember catching the eye of one of the girls I had spoken with earlier and we shared a sad smile. I was given crackers (which have never tasted so good in my life seeing as how I wasn’t allowed to eat all day before the procedure) and 7-up, and they gave me my shot.

I rested and ate a little more and then they took my blood pressure and asked me to get dressed, which was difficult at first because my walking was similar to that of a snail’s. I changed my pad and they gave me a bag with antibiotics and birth control, and instructions for both, and recommendations to clinics at which I need to make a follow up appointment. I was then allowed to leave, and Tony was so sweet-opening doors, hugging me, telling me he loved me over and over-I told him we’d better not get pregnant again anytime soon because I am not going through that again-I’d rather go into labor.

I cried on and off all night-a mixture of sadness, relief, pain. While I felt fine by the time I got home-a bit cramped, but not too bad-the memory of the pain still brought tears to my eyes, if that makes sense. It’s hard to put it into words. I walked into a building six weeks and three days pregnant, feeling sick and dizzy and weak, and I left not pregnant, feeling a little cramped, but not at all dizzy . When I woke up the next morning it was ten times better than waking up pregnant, and I didn’t feel sick if I sat in one place anymore.

However, it is now over a year since my abortion and the memory is haunting me worse than ever. I don’t know if it is because it was recently the year anniversary of when I, sadly, killed my baby, or if it is because I am only now fully realizing the horror of what I have done. I used to mock pro-lifers, resent them for being so right-wing and conservative in their beliefs. But now I realize that there is nothing wrong with supporting life. After I had the abortion, the friends I told about it all said to me, “you’re so brave! I’m so proud of you for thinking of your future and Tony’s future.” But there is nothing brave about it. Brave is the girl who has her baby at a young age despite what people think about her, despite all the factors stacking up against her, despite everything. Brave is not hiding away in some clinic and having your precious baby scraped out of you.

I now want a baby more than ever. Tony would like to wait until he is deeper in school and we are a bit more financially set. I understand that, and now I take birth control religiously, but I am almost ashamed to say I would secretly be overjoyed if I got pregnant. I know I did a terrible thing and I have grown afraid of God and whether or not he will send me another child in the future. I never used to be religious but now I realized what a precious gift I was given and I just threw it away without giving life a chance, or even acknowledging the fact that I might want to have the baby. I never gave consideration to any other option except abortion, I just wanted the easy, quick, silent way out. However, this decision haunts me now and I never thought it would. I remember Tony telling me he didn’t want me to regret it for the rest of my life and I just shrugged it off and said that wouldn’t happen. But now I honestly don’t think I could go through that again and I want the next time I am pregnant to be a happy time for both me and my boyfriend. I want to be able to share the joy I feel at the thought of being pregnant with the person I love, and I never want to throw that opportunity away again.

Now whenever I see pregnant women or small children I am just overjoyed at the thought of one day experiencing that-and saddened that my own experience was cut short of my own doing. Sometimes I even resent my boyfriend because I don’t think men can truly comprehend what it is like to have a child sucked out of you. I wish he would have said to me, “we can do this. We will be happy and we will be a family.” But I can’t blame him for being scared-I was too, and ultimately it was my decision, so I have no choice but to live with it.

Thank you for letting me share my story-if you put it on your site, I will be honored. However, it has been nice just to share this with someone else, and I feel like you’ve already given me so much through your website. Thank you.

Take care-

Eryn | epangle@mkpinc.com

Dearest Erin,

When I read your story I felt like I was reading my story. It made me remember all the lengthy tests and the crying and the emotions that I had. May I share my story with you:


So many of us are convinced by those that are around us “It is my choice” when in reality – “IT” not a choice but but “IT” is my baby. I think that a lot of the people that try to convince everyone that “Abortion is OK” are truly not properly educated on the subject.

When I had my abortions, I didn’t know the development of my babies either. When I found out later, I couldn’t believe it. The tests seem unending, and the ‘care’ of the ‘nurses’ are so minimal.

Erin – I would love to open my arms of friendship to you in love and just say to you … I’ve been where you are at. I would love to share with you the healing and the freedom that I have. Would you like this freedom? I will copy a website where you can go and input your city, state and zip code to locate some centers in your area. See if they offer a group called “Forgiven and Set Free” and I would HIGHLY recommend that you maybe
sign up for this group. It’s with other girls just like you and just like me. THey are seeking healing and also it helps so much to see that there are other women in your community that are just like you.The website is www.optionline.org

Take care and I hope to hear from you soon.

Luv Lisa


Becky and Lisa | dearbecky@standupgirl.com

Sexually Assualted

Dear Becky — Writing this brings me to tears of happiness and joy. As a 14 year old freshmen in high school I was sexually assualted by a family friend and I got pregnant as a result. Many emotions went through my head about having an abortion, keeping my baby, and putting it up for adoption.

However with the help of my brother and sister-in-law I decided to keep it. I moved in with my brother, his wife, and their two kids and was able to get my education by the use of home bound instruction when I got too sick to go to school and on Christmas Day of 2003 Stetson Wayne made his arrival into the world weighing in at 6 lbs, 8 oz and was 21 inches long.

He will be 1 year old this year and as a fifteen year old raising a baby it is hard but to come home from a day of school and work and see his smiling face it is all worth it. I couldn’t imagine going through 9 months of pregnancy and not being able to get the rewards I have gotten.

I want to say to all the girls my age who are pregnant or have had kids, You can do it, Take life one step at a time and ALWAYS do whats best for your child.

Carli Anne

Dearest Carli,

How your e-mail touched my heart with joy! What a beautiful young woman you are Carli. I’m sure your baby boy is nothing but a bundle of loving joy to you. Thank you so very much for sharing your story. You truly are a “Stand-Up Girl”!

Thank you again for your e-mail. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Luv Lisa

Single Father

Hey Becky — You probably don’t get many emails from guys, but however, I am one. My name is Andy Kiser and I am currently 17 years old and a single father. About two years ago I started dating a girl who was a year younger than me. Even at 15 I was already known as the guy who girls can’t say no to.

But Jessica was different. She would always say no and say she wasn’t ready. I was at first annoyed but then I started to like it and admire it.

However, a year later, we were still dating and she was still a virgin but then one night we were alone and things happened. About a month later she told me she thought she was pregnant. I said she was probably sick or something and it was nothing to worry about, but I didn’t really believe what I was saying. I almost knew she was pregnant, but it was nothing a 16 year old guy wants to hear. She got a pregnancy test and later told me she knew for a fact she was pregnant. Immediately I told her she had to get an abortion, but she said no. I at first bailed out and left her.

One night I came home from a football game and the tv was on. It was a commercial about fathers and the great joy and fullfillment it brings. I dropped to my knees cried, and then decided what I had to do. I got back together with Jess and was there every day of her pregnancy. I even held her hand as she gave birth to our son Julian, born 6 lbs 7 oz.

Only one week later Jess and her father were in a terrible car accident and the impact killed both of them immediately. My world went crumbling down, but I knew I had to stay strong because I had a son to raise.

I am still in school and am entering my senior year as an honor student. I play football, basketball, I am in a band called Tujax, and am dating a beautiful girl. Julian is now one and is my pride and joy, and my driving force. I put a picture of his mother next to his crib and even though I know he doesn’t understand me I tell him about her all the time.

I am writing this so that all girls who are in the same situation Jess was in, know that they can say no to abortion, and also this baby is one half your boyfriend’s and hey they just might surprise you…men can change.

I know I did



Andy – you have done the very honorable thing and I know you don’t regret standing by her even for a minute! Please keep sharing his mother with him, and I know some day soon, you will find a young woman to love you and your baby boy so very much. You are a young man of honor … and that is a highly favored characteristic in a man!

You are … a Stand-Up Man! Thank you for your e-mail!

Sincerely – Lisa

Becky and Lisa

My Baby, My Angel, My Life

I came across your website while doing research for a school paper and I was inspired by the stories I have read. I wanted to share my story with you.

In 1991, as a sophomore in high school, I found myself a growing statistic. I was the proverbial pregnant teenager. The father and I had only been together for a few months, but none the less I was in love with him: as much as a 16 year old girl can be in love. I soon found out that his commitment to me was lukewarm at best. As most stories go, he did not want me to have my child. I use “my” because that is what she is… she is my baby, my angel, my life.

I was raised as a born-again Christian and had gone to a private school through 6th grade so I knew that abortion was wrong. But the paralyzing fear of my grandparents was far stronger than my fear of answering to God for taking the life of an unborn child. Doesn’t make much sense does it?

Anyway, God works in mysterious ways and I ended up getting into a fight at school. I am not a fighter and that is the only one I have ever been in: it just so happened to be with my best friend… whose father was a pastor at a local church. Well, the result of that fight had my friend and her mother at my house the following Saturday. It was a day before the scheduled appointment to terminate my pregnancy. We sat in my room with the door closed for 3 hours. Her mother, with Bible in hand, talked to me about the decision I was making, the alternatives and the repercussions. I know it was the hand of God that intervened because when I make my mind up about something, I don’t waiver: But I did. It was as if someone turned on the lights and everything was clear, “I am going to tell my grandparents,” “I am going to have my baby!” After 3 hours of talking, they called my grandmother into the room. My friend’s mother said “Shannon has something she needs to tell you,” and as I opened my mouth, words seemed to completely escape me. I could only cry, I could not speak. I was paralyzed by fear of what this woman would think and say. Before I composed myself and found the words, she said “she’s pregnant.” It was a bitter sweet moment. No longer did I need to fear her finding out but at the same time I was not prepared for the rush of disgust that would follow in her actually knowing.

Time went on and I dealt with the wounded relationship with my grandmother. It didn’t matter to me to be honest. You see, I was taken away from my mother when I was 5. That is why I was raised by my grandparents. I lived my life in the shadows up to that point. I hid from every one and every thing. I had been disappointed and hurt by every single individual that had been a part of my life. I did not understand life, I did not understand trust, and above all, I did not understand love.

It was the beginning of a new life for me. I was no longer the little baby that I felt like on the inside… I had to pull myself out of the shadows to be to my child what I never had. I never gave thought to how I would support her or what our future would be like. The details were irrelevant to be honest with you… all I knew is that it was going to be us against the world.

I continued with my high school education, however, I did not attend a traditional high school. Fortunately for me there was a Teen Parenting Program in my area. This was such a blessing, as I was able to finish high school and graduate without skipping a beat.

The school provided parenting classes and day care so after she was born I took her to school with me every day.

On November 28, 1991, two weeks before my 17th birthday, my beautiful 6lb. 11 oz. angel came into the world. It was official, I was in love. So this is what it felt like to truly love someone. I must admit, I was addicted. I could not get enough of this tiny little gift from God. Now, I am grateful for everything that God has given me in my life… Good times and tough times as well. I would not be who I am today without any of it. But, most of all, I am grateful for the blessing of my daughter. For my lack of experience with love, it came so naturally for me when it involved her.

This child, who is now 12 years old, has taught me more about life, trust and unconditional love than I could have ever hoped for. I have made mistakes, to err is human, but I have learned from every single one of them. I have not been able to give her everything that she wants but I can assure you that the one thing every child needs, she has in abundance… Love. With a capital “L!” This child is an extension of my heart, she is the walking, living and breathing manifestation of everything that is good in me and I couldn’t be more proud to be her mother.

I am now 29 years old and have no regrets at all about my choice, never once have I wished that things were different. She is very proud of the fact that I was 16 when I had her: proud because we have a strong family unit, and proud that we have done it on our own.

Now is when it gets difficult. Everything up to this point has been a cake walk in comparison to what I will now be going through. How do I teach my daughter how to NOT follow in my foot steps? She and I talk about everything that goes on in her school, what her friends are doing and what she is not doing. We talk a lot about her life path and how she can get the most out of it. I definitely try to lead by example. I have worked my way up the corporate ladder and recently took a position as a Marketing Manager for a great company. This is the direction I have always wanted my career to go and here I am. I am also a full time student with a 3.91 GPA. You better believe I bring home my grades to show my daughter. So, I will not sit back and tell her what I want her to do with her life without showing her the benefits. I tell her “if I had waited to have you, if I had been older and had already gone to college, we would not have had to struggle the way we have.” And my decision to go back to school had as much to do with proving the importance of it to her, as it did with bettering myself.

I sit here in a computer lab at school with tears in my eyes because I realize that this is what love is all about, she is what love is all about… After almost 13 years, I am as in love with her as I was the day we met. It is a funny thing, how God works. I have learned that I cannot expect anything in life, but I can accept. I accept what is given to me each day. I accept that today may be more difficult than yesterday. But I also trust that no matter how difficult today may be, eventually, the clouds will open up, the birds will sing, the sun will shine and I will have a good day. When is it not a good day, when I can look into the eyes of the child that God gave and tell her I love her?

Thank you for what you are doing, that you for caring enough to let these girls share their stories and not feel so alone.



You seem to have a bit of a quandry in “How to help your daughter not make the choices you did.” May I share just a couple of things you can do … you can do them together as you have the schooling and even growing together.

There is a site that I know and I will copy it to you. There is a site that sells “Purity Rings”. This is something that you both can agree upon … purity to marriage.

At 13 years old, she is headed for many trials, learning experiences,peer pressures and more. It’s different for these girls today than it was when we were teens and I really would love to help you find the tools to help
your daughter through these times.

I would also recommend allowing her to read the stories on this website about the women that have not chosen life. I would read them first before allowing her to read them. Some may not be the best for her at age 13 … but if she can see the pain that abortion has caused so many women, it may be something that would stick out in her mind to also help other teen girls.

Shannon – thank you for your encouraging and beautiful e-mail. It was a joy to read.

May God richly bless you.

Luv Lisa

On Again, Off Again Relationship

I am crying right now as I write this. I guess it’s part of the healing process on my journey towards acceptance. I saw Tim Mcgraw last night and heard "Red Rag Top" and just cried the whole time… I had an abortion a week ago, so the pain is still so real I can hardly breathe without feeling the emotional pain. (more…)

He Was Married

Dear Becky — I am a nineteen year old, single, 3 month pregnant girl. I was faced with the decision to have an abortion in March. I chose not to have one. I had an appointment at an abortion clinic in Knoxville and backed out the day before going and decided not to have the abortion.

I actually found your site while searching on the internet the night before my appointment and I cried as I read the stories. I knew deep down I didn’t want to have an abortion but the father told me I had no other choice. I woke up and realized, it was my baby and I had a choice.

My situation was a bad one. I dated the same guy for three years, since I was 16. It was my first love and our break-up left me broken hearted. His guy friend who is quite a bit older than me, came over to talk to me and was supposedly “comforting” me one day, one thing lead to another. He was only the second person I had ever slept with, the first time, and I was on birth control. Not to mention, he was married. I am really embarrassed to admit all of this. Because I promise I’m not a skank or a whore and I know you must be thinking I am. I would probably think that too. But, I just messed up. I opened myself in the most vulnerable time in my life to let the devil have input in my life. Not only was this guy really good friends with my ex who I still do and did love, he was also a very prominent man in my very small hometown, where everyone knows everyone. This man had only been married for three months when we slept together. So, the negatives seemed to out weigh the positives for having my baby. He put all the blame on me for getting pregnant and said having this baby wasn’t an option.

I went to a church service and the Lord spoke right to my heart I knew that I couldn’t have an abortion. I had never thought they was right. But when faced with the decision, you’ll never know what you’ll do. I went to your web site and I read the stories of the girls who had abortions and regretted them. I knew that would be me. I couldn’t go through it. I knew if I had an abortion that my life would fall apart, and that would be the beginning of my troubles.

So, I told the dad we would keep him being the dad a secret . I would never tell anyone he was the dad and I would deny him being the dad forever. He said as long as I kept it a secret for life it was fine.

As, I said I live in a verrry small town. And of course the father of my baby isn’t a secret anymore. And you know what, it isn’t the end of the world. Everyone is so supportive of me. They all just praise me for the brave desicion I made on keeping my child. The devil didn’t show me people being happy for me. He showed me misery and despair. All of my friends are so excited. Even my parents are happy and are going to help me 100%. Oh and guess what! My mom is pregnant too! We are 1 month apart! God does peculiar things.

The dad isn’t playing a part in my life. He calls every now and then to make sure Im okay. But, he really doesn’t want anything to do with my child. But, you know who is calling, my first love. And he knows who the daddy is. He is hurt this has happend to me, but he is being so great to me. I don’t need the dad of my baby and my baby doesn’t either. God will send someone to love me and my child and be a a great daddy to my child.

I couldn’t find how to tell my story on your site. Because I would like to share it, if I could just encourage one person not to have an abortion, I would. The circumstances may seem terrible but, if they could just see all that I’ve been through and how everything has turned out okay. Its a life inside you, and God has put it in you and chose you to be the mother for a reason. It may seem like the end of the world and abortion may seem like the only option but if you choose to have your baby, you’ll never regret it once. I am so glad I chose to keep my baby. I just want to thank you for your site. I just want you to know your site had an influence on me keeping my baby. You should be so proud of that. I am thankful for people like you. Thanks.


Dear Anne,

I am so incredibly happy to hear of the life giving choice that you have made! I can’t stop smiling. You have overcome so many obstacles already.You will be given the strength and courage you need to continue to stand up and be the best mother you can be! God will give you everything you need, every step of the way. Trust in Him. He will never let you down. That is so cool that your mom is expecting a baby, too. I’m sure you will become even closer to her as you walk this road together. I am so glad to hear that you are getting so much support. Even if the baby’s father isn’t there for you, there are so many others that are. That will mean a lot to you in the days ahead. Thank you so much for writing in and sharing your story with us. You are truly a witness…we should never give up hope. No matter how dark or frightening our situation seems…if we only persevere and choose what is right…there is a light at the end of that tunnel. May your life be blessed abundantly as you embark on this exciting journey of motherhood!

love standupgirl becky