I am almost 15 years old and me and my boyfriend have not yet had sex but we want to but we also want to have a baby RIGHT KNOW. And i want to know if that is the right way to go. I know I probably soound stupid because I mean no 14 year old in there right mind would want to get preganant but I do and so does my boyfriend for 1 year adn 3 months. I mean I absoulutly love kids and always have…

I found your website after posting my story at msn.com where two articles are running about adoption vs. abortion. I submitted my story there, but want to repeat it here, if it helps anyone. Thanks!
While now “Pro-life,” and having volunteered at a Crisis Pregnancy Center, I had an abortion when I was 23, in 1981.

Hi thank you for replying to me quickly and all the help you have given me. I’ve sat down with my fiance and we talked about the baby, we’ve sorted things out and now he’s happy that he is going to be a dad again. He has been telling his mates at work the lot, my family are getting used to me having another one. The only one that has stuck by me through it was my mum — she’s amazing.

I read your story, and… I think I’m in the wrong place. You see I’m suffering from the pain of my own choice. I had a abortion from a one night stand. Like you, was drunk and I don’t even known his last name. All I know is that he was the father ’cause I don’t sleep around!!
I regret it sooooooo much, living in pain, I have turned it inward into myself. I hate myself for having an ABORTION!!! I WANNA DIE! I’m tring to get pregnant again even though I know IT WILL NOT MAKE UP FOR THAT CHILD!! I’m in so much pain its hard to live with myself, please help.

Hello, my name is Kendra I am almost 15 years old and me and my boyfriend have not yet had sex but we want to but we also want to have a baby RIGHT KNOW. And i want to know if that is the right way to go. I know I probably sound stupid because I mean no 14 year old in there right mind would want to get pregnant but I do and so does my boyfriend for 1 year and 3 months. I also want o finish school and go to college. I have been planning on how to tell my dad and mother when I do get pregnant but I really want to know if I should and I want to know how much responsibility it will be…

Dear Becky,
My name is Kate and I am 16 years old. Last summer I was a normal 15 year old girl ready to go into 10th grade. But one night changed everything. I was at an end of summer party and everything was okay until I it became a drinking party. I was never into that whole scene and I really wanted to leave. My boyfriend Michael had decided to stay so I just thought I would walk home. When I was about halfway home a car pulled up next to me, and I heard a guy ask me if I need a ride. The voice was a familiar, and was in fact a guy I have known since we were kids, so I went up to the car and leaned into the drivers side window. When I saw him he looked obviously drunk so I refused the ride and continued walking. He got out of the car and told me to come with him. At that point I was getting nervous so I started to run. He chased me down, took me to the back seat, and I’m sure you can figure out the rest.