Be Brave in Your Heart

by | 2008 | Real Stories

Hello Ladies, I was once 15 and pregnant like many of you.  I am now 35 and my daughter is 19.  I thank God every day for giving me the bravery to Stand-Up for my beliefs.  I was pressured my her biological father and his family to abort her or put her up for adoption. I stood steadfast in […]

Hello Ladies,

I was once 15 and pregnant like many of you.  I am now 35 and my daughter is 19.  I thank God every day for giving me the bravery to Stand-Up for my beliefs.  I was pressured my her biological father and his family to abort her or put her up for adoption. I stood steadfast in my decision to protect my child.  I was the only person at that time who could feel her tiny unborn feet and hands stroke me from inside,  as if she were attempting to comfort my broken, aching heart.  I have never, ever regreted my decision to "Choose Life."  She is a wonderful, smart, beautiful young woman today. 

Love to All,


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