I am thirteen weeks and one day pregnant with baby number two! My husband and I call this baby, Baby A. We are hoping for a girl. We find out what we are having in June. I am so excited. Although I realize it is going to be hard since I already have a fourteen-month-old son. This baby is due in November, and by then my son will be twenty months old.
I love my babies and husband! <3
March 1 in the morning, I was at home alone. My husband was at work, my older brother was at work, my father was at work, and my little brother was at school.
I started having horrible pains in my stomach, I didn’t know what it was. I was also having the worst back pain I have ever had in my life. I didn’t think much about it cause on February 26, my doctor had decided to have me start getting induced March 1 at 6:00 p.m. because it didn’t seem like labor was going to start anytime soon. After about an hour of having the pain, it started getting more painful, and more regular. I decided to call my husband at work and ask him what he thought I should do. He told me to call the hospital and ask them what I needed to do. They weren’t much of a help. All they did was tell me to call my doctor.
While on the phone with my doctor, one of the horrible pains hit and I screamed and sat down in the floor, where I had to sit for quiet a while because the pain was horrible. The doctor then told me I needed to go to the hospital because she was pretty sure I was in labor. I called my husband back in a hurry and told him what my doctor had said. He quickly let his boss know and hurried home to get me and take me to the hospital. Finally around 11:00 a.m. , we arrived at the hospital. I was then quickly taken in a wheel chair back to Labor & Delivery. I was put in one of the rooms where they monitored me for an hour. I was hurting so bad I kept screaming.
After an hour, the nurse came in and checked me. I was still only dilated to one. But they didn’t let me go home till my midwife saw me. When she came and saw me, I told her I have been leaking this pinkish clear fluid for over a week now and she asked me if anyone in the doctor’s office checked me. I told her “Yes, but not like you did the last time.” She checked me, and told me to cough. Sure enough, a bunch of water went everywhere. My water had been ruptured. My baby boy had even had a bowel movement inside of me. When they told me that, I began to cry because I knew that could cause my sweet baby boy some major problems.
After that, I dilated to three, I laid there in pain for so long. I didn’t want an epidural and my mind was set on not having one. My husband kept telling me I could do it and it would make me feel so great. He supported me so much. My mother, brother, grandmother, aunt, and step-mom all arrived around 2:30 p.m. to support my husband and I and meet our son when he arrived. Around 7:50 p.m. , I was dilated to eight and my baby boy’s heart rate began to drop from where I could not relax because of the pain. The doctor told me the best thing I could do as get an epidural and see if that helps the baby boy. I cried for a few minutes, but decided around 8:40 p.m. it was probably best for my baby boy. Everyone except my husband had to leave the room so they could do my epidural. My husband stood in front of me and held me to comfort me. It made me feel completely great that my husband as being there for me like no one before. The epidural wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. It made me feel really good and after I got it, I didn’t scream from the pain anymore. About ten minutes after my epidural, my family was able to come back into my room. Around 10:15 p.m. , I started feeling a lot of pressure. The doctor came in and told me it was time to push, so I pushed till about 11:40 p.m. . Still no baby boy. The doctor came in and he told me that my body was too small to push him out, plus he was face up. At that point I just had to cry before they took me back for a c-section. It didn’t take long after my husband and I got into the c-section room. March 2 at 12:09 a.m. , my husband and I heard the most beautiful cry ever.
Our son had arrived healthy and safely. He was 8 lbs. , 11 oz, and 20 in long. I couldn’t believe that our beautiful baby had just arrived, and came out of me. It was the most amazing moment of my life. Although I had to have a c-section, and now can barely do anything for myself, I am so happy to have our beautiful baby here with us. I also suffered from an infection inside of me because my water had been ruptured for over a week. But it was all worth it for our son is completely healthy and doing fantastic.
December 13. I married my unborn son’s father.
It was the most amazing day of my life yet. My family and my husband’s family all came and showed us they were there to support us. Yes, I am only seventeen years old, but I know that my husband is my Mr. Right. I am proud to call myself a married woman. The wedding took place in a church not too far from where we live, at six thirty in the evening. We poured sand into a glass to show that we were becoming one whole, instead of lighting a candle together. We were married religiously because we’re both Christians. I wore an off-white dress that came past my knees and had shiny things on the chest area. We ate chicken after our first kiss as a married couple, and then cut our beautiful wedding cake. Our wedding was so much more amazing than I could have ever imagined. My mother cried a lot. She feels like she is losing me but she isn’t. She is only gaining a son-in-law. She should always know I’ll be a mommy’s girl(:
I just wanted to updated everyone about our marriage. I am so happy and in the wedding pictures I put up on here, you can tell that.
I think the most amazing part about the wedding other then marrying the man I love is that Braxton started kicking me and moving like he was excited when his daddy said ‘I do’. I know it sounds odd, but I think he could hear his daddy say it (:
On Thanksgiving, I went with my fiancé out of town to his aunt’s. It was only like an hour and a half drive there.
We sat down to eat, and I started getting some major pains in my stomach, I wasn’t sure why though. While in pain, I sat there, acted fine, and ate. After I finished, I went to the bathroom to pee. Well, the pains kept getting worse. Finally, I called my mother and asked her what could be wrong. She said Braxton Hicks, maybe. So I tried walking around cause I heard that stops the pain. The pain got even worse. So my fiancé got his little brother and our dog in the car while we told his family we were sorry but we had to leave. We got in the car and headed back home to drop off our dog and his little brother. We made it to the hospital finally (three hours later) and they took me to labor and delivery. I was scared to death. I’m only twenty-six and a half weeks along. After hours of laying in pain, listening to our son’s heartbeat, they gave me a shot and a pill to make the contractions and pain stop. I truly thought I was going to die, I was in so much pain. After about another hour of laying in the hospital, listening to our son’s heartbeat, we got to go home cause Braxton’s heart rate was great, and he was active. The said I started having contractions because I was dehydrated.
Thank goodness Braxton and I are doing great now, but I didn’t get that great of a thanksgiving dinner. -lol-
My fiancé and I have been doing premarital counseling.
Sunday, November 07, we got to finally set a real date for our wedding. It’s soon, December 13. I’m nervous and super excited. There is so much to plan and little time to do it in. Everyone keeps saying I am too young to get married but I know with him by my side, I can do it. People keep saying we will just get divorced within the next year, and it hurts that people don’t have faith in us. We haven’t been together for years and years, but we have been together for quite a while. We want to get married because we are in love, and couldn’t imagine life without each other, but we’re also having a baby boy in March. Everything is happening so fast, but it seems like everything is great. My fiance’s family and I still don’t get along the best, but I am trying so hard for him. His dad wants to take my fiancé and I out to dinner the day before Thanksgiving, so we’re going to go and hopefully have a good time.