im having a girl :) 22nd november 2009
I found out the sex of my baby today. I’m having a little girl! 🙂
I found out the sex of my baby today. I’m having a little girl! 🙂
Things are getting worse with my mum and me.
She hit me last week in an argument, telling me to abort my baby and that I’m a stupid girl for keeping my baby. 🙁
Please help, need advice on what to do!
Love xx
Heyy everyone!
I need some advice. I’m 2 months pregnant today! And I told my mum and dad. They were the first people I told then I told my boyfriend and me and him are so happy about the news!
My mum and dad said they were too & they acted happy about it too.
Maybe it was all too good to be true! Which it was.
I overheard my mum and dad talking in the living room saying that she should have an abortion again bcoz this is a massive mistake.
And I feel so lost again. I had a abortion 7 months and 3 weeks ago this Monday 23/3 bcoz they both made me! And now I feel they won’t me to go through all that all over again. Me and my boyfriend didn’t want to the first time and we deffo don’t want to do it again it was a massive mistk and I don’t know what to do. I want to keep my baby and I don’t want him/ or her to be taken off me. It would crush me
Any advice?
How do I stand up to them though?
And why can’t they just be happy with my choice?
HELP please, any advice?
Thank you!!! xxxx
Hi, I am 16 years old. I had an abortion when I was 15 years old when I was 6 months in and it was the worst day of my life.
I didn’t tell my mum or dad and it was so hard to hide it. They kept on saying are you sure you’re well enough to go to school because I kept on being sick and I guess they didn’t think anything like that would of been the problem. It’s been 5 months now since I had the abortion and if I could go back, I would never of gone and I would have her in my arms now. I look at the ultrasound scan of 6 months a week before the abortion i had a scan and I look at it every day and it makes me cry.
But I have a msg to girls who get pregnant being a teen, be strong and do what’s right at the time and tell your parents. At the time, I couldn’t of coped with having a daughter, but me and my boyfriend did stick together and we’ve been together for 19 months now 🙂 So you must not be scared and do what’s right by you.
Thanks xo
R.I.P Sasha-Lou II, I miss you everyday and I love you to bits! You would of made me the proudest person to walk into a room with you in my arms and no one could ever take you off me. I’m so sorry for what I did to you and that you never got to live your life. R.I.P 10/4/08-9/9/08. Happy Birthday 11.1.09 I love you, princess.
All my love, mummy & daddy.