im heartbroken
Hi iim gabby and i am 16 years old, i had an abortiion when i was 15 years old when i was 6mnths in and it was the worst day of my life i didt tell my mum or dad and it was so hard to hide it they kept on saying are you sure […]

Hi iim gabby and i am 16 years old, i had an abortiion when i was 15 years old when i was 6mnths in and it was the worst day of my life i didt tell my mum or dad and it was so hard to hide it they kept on saying are you sure your well enough to go to school because i kept on being sick and i gues they didt think anything like that would of been the problem, its been 5months now since i had the abortion and if i could go back i would i would never of gone and i would have her in my arms now i look at the ultra sound scan of 6mnths a week before the abortion i had a scan and i look at it every day and it macks me cry. but i have a msg to girls who get pg being a teen be strong and do whats right at the time and tell your perants. at the time i couldt of coped with having a daughter but me and my boyfriend did stick to gether and weve been together for 19mnths now 🙂 so you must not be scard and do whats right by you. thanks gabby xo r.i.p sasha-lou ii miiss you everyday and i love you to bits! you would of made me the proudest person to walk into a room with you in my arms and no1 could ever take you off me, im so sorry for what i did to you and that you never got to live your life. r.i.p 10/4/08-9/9/08 happy birthday 11.1.09 iloveyou princess all my love mummy &+ daddy.

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