APPROVED (May 13, 2010)

My interview to US Embassy this morning was a brilliant success! Yay! I got my luck charm (my baby Sheina Lauren). it was so smooth. I’m so happy and proud!

I’m so excited to go to US. My dad said I’ll be going there by the end of the month, possibly in May.

So I need to buy some clothes and stuff for baby Sheina here in the Philippines so I can save a big amount of money if I’m in US already.

All I’m thinking about is my future and Sheina’s future. I’m young and I have a baby so I need to be wiser this time and I need to think more mature.

I prayed so hard for this. Thank God.

any mom from US? can u help me?

I’m just wondering what are some benefits you can get if you give birth in the United States of America?

My petition to the US is in process.

I need help. please tell me all the details…

Thanks a lot…

Naming my baby and more closer to God

Now I know I have a baby girl. My boyfriend and I gave her the name Sheina (means beautiful) Lauren.

1 week to go, so I’ll be in my third trimester. And my baby is moving, playing, thumb sucking, trying to walk, crying based on my research. And she’s really moving so hard each day. I need to stop whatever I’m doing so I can talk to my baby for a while.

Walking and going to church every morning is helping me a lot to ease some pain as well as being positive in every little thing happening in my life and to think positive right now. I’m MORE closer to God this time so I can make my life better with his guidance. Praying for all the blessings and new life He’ll give to me and to my baby Sheina Lauren. Asking that hopefully, I can go to the US with my situation and I know baby Sheina Laure is my luck charm πŸ™‚

I know I can pass through all the challenges in my life with all the guidance and support of God and my Family.

All I’m feeling is happiness and excitement with my baby Sheina Lauren.

The expected due date is August 8. :)Yeee!

so much excitment :)

I’m in my second trimester, exactly 20 weeks along.

Tomorrow is my check-up with my new OB and I’m so excited. Because for the past few days, my baby has been really moving inside my womb and I can’t help it. I’m so happy. No one can make me feel this happiness. You’re just sitting, watching TV, listening to music, eating, chatting with someone, and I can really feel my baby is moving and for a while, I need to stop whatever I’m doing and talk to my baby. πŸ™‚

I’m also hoping that tomorrow, we will know the gender of my baby. (cross fingers) because my baby is 20 weeks already. πŸ™‚

My boyfriend and I were so much excited for tomorrow! πŸ™‚

Good luck to me!


I’m a 20-year-old graduating college student. My documents for migrating to the US are in process.

One night, I got a chance to tell my whole family that I’m 4 months pregnant. I actually knew it before, but I didn’t just tell them right away because I don’t have a job so what will happen to my studies? Who will pay my monthly tuition fee? Who will give me an allowance weekly? Who will support me with those financial needs? That was the FIRST thing that came to my mind. The SECOND thing that came to my mind was to have an abortion right away, taking abortion meds, but I came to the point where I didn’t want to do it even though I already bought abortion meds for P3,000 /$300.

As time went by, I noticed that my tummy was getting bigger and bigger and I couldn’t hide it anymore. Some people were telling me that I’m getting big and I just ignored them as I couldn’t tell them that I’m pregnant since my family didn’t know about it.

My boyfriend and I decided to tell them that I’m pregnant and I thought telling them my situation would make me feel okay, comfortable, less worried. But after telling them, all I can feel is EMPTINESS and nothing more. I thought they would understand me since I’ll be graduating in college, but all I can feel is their REGRET, that I should be more careful because I have ambitions in life and now I’ll be graduating in college, I should not do that because of my petition. But my point is its not the END of my life, its actually the START… I can still prove to them that I can still STAND UP on my own. My boyfriend is always here to support all my needs.

Since I told them that I’m pregnant, I cry every night and my relationship with my family is not doing good right now. Still hoping that everything will be okay.

You know what guys, here in Philippines, its really a big deal when you got pregnant at the wrong age like me. Your family will make you suffer for your mistake.

The first story of my being pregnant.