Will I Ever Learn?

So guess what? I may be pregos AGAIN!

if you don’t know me, this is what happened. I had unprotected sex, took Plan B, got pregnant, miscarried, and was depressed and in pain for 3 weeks. The father was an idiot anyway, and I was gonna go with adoption.

OK, now present time.

It’s been a few months, almost four months since I got pregnant. I got Implanon put in on Thursday. I had unprotected sex with a guy that I love. So he wasn’t in me long and he didn’t cum, but there’s always that chance with precum. Then the next day, we had protected sex again, then Sunday, we didn’t have sex, then Monday, we had protected sex again. My vagina was really swollen, which it was after I had sex when I got pregnant. But i haven’t been thinking that I’m pregnant, just like too dry or something. But today, I took a quiz on what’s my symbol and I got the phoenix, which a phoenix represents a baby to me. Last time I was pregnant, my dad gave me a phoenix necklace the week before I took the test. Now I’m paranoid and I know I’m horribly superstitious, but i believe in it and I cant find out for like a whole month whether I’m pregnant or not. Oh yeah, Friday was the last day of my period.  So other then the phoenix, I’m pretty much not pregnant. But the phoenix out ways everything to me.
Seeing as I love my boyfriend and he loves me and we were already planning on getting married and having kids someday, that makes the decision if I am pregnant a lot harder. Cause it was easy when I hated the father, I was gonna go with adoption, but idk this time.

Does anyone know if a pregnancy test works if you have Implanon in you?
I’d love to talk to anyone. I mean I already have friends on here, but I love new friends. 🙂

Dear Emma (a poem to my dead baby)

Dear Emma,
I loved you, now you’re dead
Hormones running through my body, emotions through my head
I love you, now you’re dead
I lie awake in bed
I love you, now you’re dead
It just keeps playing in my head
I loved you, now you’re dead
Although we never met
I loved you, now you’re dead
I’m finding it hard, getting out of bed
I loved you, now you’re dead
I loved you
I love you

Now you’re DEAD

im pregnant? realy?

Just found out I’m pregnant. I took three tests, all positive.

I can’t believe I’m pregnant. Me? How could I get pregnant? It sounds so lame, but I mean I was going somewhere. I was gonna be somebody. I was gonna get out of this white trash hell. And now,
I’ll be stuck here forever.
And my baby’s gonna have like horrible health cause I can’t get to a doctor or anything. Maybe I should go with adoption just so the baby will be healthy. I can get the adoptive parents to bring me to the doctors and stuff, maybe, so my baby will be healthy even if I can’t keep it.

I hate crying.

why im here

I guess it’s no surprise that a 17-year-old with piercings from drug-addict parents and a white trash background got knocked up. I guess it’s no surprise that my boyfriend is almost ten years older than me and lives in another state. These things, society expects from me.
What they don’t expect is I never considered abortion, I don’t plan to sell my baby, and I’m a really good student. Well as of today, I haven’t taken a test, but I’m a week late for my period. I’ll be taking the test on Sunday. How do I know I’m pregnant?

1. I’m late
2. My dad gave me a phoenix necklace, which to me, a phoenix is the symbol for a baby

How did this happen?
I could simply tell you I’m an idiot or make up some lie about needing to score. But that would be wrong. I don’t do drugs. I have had sex for things before; food, money for food, rides, etc. But that’s not how I got here.
I got here because for once in my life, I decided to act my age, I decided to be irresponsible and throw caution to the wind. My boyfriend came to pick me up on Friday and that night we had sex, I told him I wasn’t on birth control and to pull out and he did. That morning we had sex again, but this time he didn’t. I yelled at him and he said it was no big deal. He’d get me Plan B. All day, I bugged him to get it. Finally, at 8 pm, we went to the pharmacy. He came out empty-handed and told me they wouldn’t give it to a guy and I flipped out and he said he was kidding, it wasn’t open. So we went to a different pharmacy and when he came out, he hid it under his shirt and said they were out of it, but I heard the crinkling and got it. When we got back to his house, I was gonna take it right away, but he said to wait till it was on the hour so we could remember when I took it. So I did and then I took the first one. He had unprotected sex again that night, he said the Plan B would still work. And in the morning, we had unprotected sex again. Then in the morning, I took the second one.

Now the one detail that makes me sound horrible, but is kinda important is that this was the first time I had ever met him. But he was so sweet to me. He took me out to these amazing restaurants and bookstores and the train station. And it was just a magical evening.