maybe things arent what you think..

Well, one of the hardest things to do when you first find out when you’re pregnant at a young age is telling your parents.

The feeling is so scary, but it is best to tell them while it’s early so they know. When I found out I was pregnant, I told my mom immediately. I thought she was going to cut me off or like be extremely mad, but I was wrong. She was surprisingly calm & in a weird way, happy about it. I guess this is because she experienced when my older brother got his girlfriend pregnant when he was 16 & she was 15. Man, do I remember that. But the thing is, tell your parents you love them before you say anything. Make sure they’re in a calm mood, you’re talking to them in a quiet place with no interruptions, then spit it out…… That’s what I did, & my mom is happy that I didn’t lie to her…

I hope this helped some of you girls… Be brave.

So far so good?? i think

Well, I’m sure you guys know me by now.

I have a lot of problems, but not with my pregnancy. I’ve been having a lot of stress lately & I know that’s a bad thing for my baby, but I just can’t help but cry & cry about my mom. Being the only female child in a family with 4 kids is somewhat tough for me. Is being emotional part of being pregnant?

I’m really close to my mom and when she’s away, it’s really hard for me. Especially now when I’m pregnant. I can talk to her about almost everything. In fact, I do tell her everything. I miss her a lot & I cry when I do miss her. I fight with her husband a lot [my stepdad] well it’s not really my fault either but still.  Oh, but I do want to write about my boyfriend. lol. We’re living together at my place. He’s basically the one to take care of me and I’m so thankful for him. He’s been so supportive. I’m glad I found him and he’s really excited to be a daddy. But with the good, there are the bads. I fight with him, not a lot but like couples do. I don’t know how to control my feelings. If I hear something I don’t like, I would start balling my eyes out. & that’s why he gets mad at me, I know he loves me & that’s why we argue, because he’s right. *sigh*

I need some advice on how not to be so emotional. If that is possible.

first blog

If you would like to know, I am 19 years old and am 6 months pregnant with my first baby… There are a lot of things me & my boyfriend went through before I got pregnant. We went through the good and the bad. We’ve been together for almost 2 years. Even if he comes from the roughest part of the neighborhood, I love him as if he were the richest man in the world. To me, he is everything. So when I found out I was pregnant, I had mixed feelings. I was happy because I thought I couldn’t have any kids, and he was also happy because he thought he couldn’t get me pregnant. But with good feelings also comes with the bad. I was also scared, afraid that my parents would disapprove, but I told my mother right away.  I was glad to find out that she took the news very well and was some sort of happy for me and my boyfriend.

Well, the first few months of my pregnancy (1-3) were fine…I didn’t get those symptoms of like throwing up or looking for outrageous food. But after those months, I started getting emotional and peeing a lot. Then at 5 months, my boobs started getting milk ( is that normal? ). I got sensitive about everything and I didn’t like a lot of noise or shouting. I got isolated in my room, but I still got out for walks. Well anyway, now for the reason I started blogging….

I need some advice on what I should do during the next few months of pregnancy…Here are some of my questions.

1. Is it not good to have sex at this time?
2. What is best to eat?
3. How do I avoid being so emotional?
4. What can’t I eat?

Well, I guess those are some of my questions. I hope someone can help me through.

Until my next blog.

Thanks for reading