By the time she came…

October 17 was so unforgettable to me. I will never forget this day.

Early that morning, I went walking outside our house because before that night, I went on bleeding. My mom was excited so she let me walk outside. I ate breakfast early and took my bath. By 10 o’clock in the morning, exactly after my bath, I felt pain in my abdomen. I told my mom about it and they rushed me to the hospital. I kept on praying in the emergency room and the doctor did I.E. to me and it was about 6 cm. They put I.V. to me and they led me to the Delivery room. By 11 o’clock, my doctor went to the delivery room and let me get my urine sample. And she did I.E. to me again and it was 8 cm. She popped my bag of water and she left me lying in the bed for about 12 noon. Then the delivery started. I felt pain and for about 23 minutes, the baby went out. I cried because I saw her beautiful eyes looking at me and I was very happy. Tears of joy went out of my eyes. After 1 day, I went out of the hospital and she went out after 2 days.

I could not believe that I had a beautiful girl..♥

‘Bout mhe…♥

I am 14 and I got pregnant at this young age. I’m so happy because I will have a baby, but the problem about it is the father of my baby would not stand up for his obligation to be the father of my baby.

I’m lucky because my family accepted the fact about me. Me and my ex-boyfriend did not last that long. We’ve just been for 2 months and I got pregnant without knowing it. By the time me and my mom have a check-up because my menstrual period is not regular, they recommended to have an ultrasound that time. That’s when my mom knew that I got pregnant. Without knowing it, I was six months pregnant. Before without knowing it, I talked to my ex-boyfriend about it and he told me that he’ll stand his obligation. But he made me believe about it and he did not do his obligation. He just left us without saying anything and not communicating. I always cry every night. What would I do to have revenge?



Within 2 months, I will be a mother.

I believe in the saying” Life’s what you make it”. I would like to write my experiences and feelings during these days while I’m carrying out this baby and by the time, she’ll go out of my womb. I do really expect the unexpected. Even though I’m 14, too young to be a mother, I will stand my obligation and responsibility to become a great mom for my daughter.