Round two.

I had my son, he’s four months old now. (: Love him to death<3

And now the aaahhhmazing news. I’m pregnant. AGAIN. At least my period is a week late. IT was NOT planned this time… Here out my story before you judge. I’m getting a home test soon. Tomorrow, I hope, and taking it Thursday morning.

Okay, I wanted the Implanon birth control, right? You can get it at your six-week check-up. My appointments to get it got rescheduled a MINIUM of TEN times. I am not kidding. So, I missed getting my birth control and I had been getting periods… And having sex. So yes, it is my fault for not using protection, but it is equally my doctor’s fault for having my ‘6-week checkup’ be a 12-week check-up & rescheduling me every time. Hey, condoms break & withdrawal fails. Don’t judge me.

I don’t know what I want to do. We aren’t ‘struggling’ with this baby. He’s content, never cries, and sleeps almost all night. Having another baby when my son would be one year old is impossible for me. My boyfriend (& children’s father) works 12 hours days, 12 hours nights, & 40 hours a week (shift work, different days of course.) So I have handled our son by myself with no problems at all, but taking care of a newborn and a one-year-old?! Please kill me.

I never considered abortion with my first. He was planned, but so far the father would ‘kick me in the stomach’. So he doesn’t want it… I honestly don’t think I could go through with adoption at all. It would kill me. Yes, I understand abortion kills a fetus, but I just could not give the child a proper life. Money is tight enough as it is & another baby would just break us.

I just want advice from someone who has had one baby and terminated the next pregnancy or has had two babies with the same due date exactly a year apart.

Maybe we’ll all die in December 2012 and I won’t have to worry about it. Ah.

Kenzii Rose DiBenedetti…?(;

OH MY GOD. I’ve never been sooooo impatient in my life!!

I’m 39 weeks tomorrow and dying to go into labor already. I’m going to the doctor tomorrow & Hopefully, they check my cervix! They still haven’t yet… If I’m dilated or effaced at all, I’m going to walk a million miles and drive on a really bumpy road! I’m pretty much desperate to get him out…

As for my Christmas… Guess who got engaged(: Meeeeeee!!!! Hehe. No, he didn’t get down on one knee like in a fairy tale. It went like this: Christmas morning, we had gotten each other one thing and it was under the tree at my dad’s. I got him a big huge thing of gum (I had gotten him a tattoo days prior) and he got me a pillow & blanket… After we opened those, we went to my mom’s house. We opened the stuff ‘Santa’ (my mom) had gotten us. Then I went on my merry way decorating the cookies I made the day before… After a few minutes, my mom brings me a box, all wrapped up… I opened it and it was a bra. Hahaha thank you darling. Then I continue with my cookies. Then I get ANOTHER box, this one was a hallmark one all wrapped up. I opened it had a little white box in it… In it was a diamond turtle necklace (: I peeked in the box and saw the turtle then closed it and said ‘No! Its too much!” After a few minutes of refusal, I pouted & put it on. After that, totally in the zone of cookie decorating, he and my mom bring out ANOTHER box. Gosh guys… In this box, there was another white box all wrapped up. I peeked in the box and it was a freaking ring!! I closed it and set it on the counter, I said no way, not taking it. Its a ring!!!!” I don’t handle big gifts well….. After more minutes and arguing, I opened it up and put it on. I hugged Thomas and I guess he was going to say “So will you marry me?” But I interrupted him at “So will you…..” “SO will I what?!!?” “Marry me!” *Grabs the counter*”Omg, WHAAAT?!!?!?” hahahah. I said yes of course, but when i get surprised, it is the funniest thing eveeeer.

So that was my great highlight of my holiday.

I’m stilll awaiting labor… grrr.

Part twoo

So I may have forgotten a few things… Well, one little thought.

I don’t know if it’s just the time of pregnancy, but I can’t wait to add another addition to our brood (: I know my boyfriend wants another someday. But probably not for a while. At least until we have our own place & he starts getting benefits from his new job, which all should happen within the next six months (I’m hoping anyway).

All the ‘big things’, like the bassinet, diaper bag, crib bedding & swing I got neutral so just in case (; If we were going to have another, I’d hope it was a girl. If not, a boy would be just as fine (: if not better cuz we’d have all the clothes too! haha.

14 days left!

38 weeks today (: Christmas in two days. 😀 yay.

I didn’t ask for much. Just a healthy son. That’s all… And maybe something shiny from Thomas (:

Thomas and I have been trying to induce me for the past few days (mainly with sex and Pineapple juice). Neither has worked… The pineapple juice hurts my teeth cuz I’m rocking a nice cavity… Cool.

I finally got ALL my Christmas shopping DONE! I wish I had more things to wrap D: Next year I have an excuse to buy a lot more (:

Gah, I wish I could go into labor already!! It sucks waiting!!

Long time no update.(:


Now I’m 36 weeks & 3 days (: I’m done with that terrible UTI & doing amazing.

I went to my doctor a few days ago & she went to feel for his head, but had to keep lowering her hands! He’s WAY down there & inching out! haha.

My boyfriend is still at his job which is awesome (: He has his first night of night shift tonight! He kept himself up ALL night last night (with the aid of a friend) til he came home at 2 a.m. and woke me up >:() and went to bed at 7 a.m. He finally woke up around four p.m and left at 6 p.m. He’ll be back around 7 a.m. then the same thing for two more nights. I’ll barely get to see him this week (sleep, work, sleep, work.. we’re on different schedules) but he’s bringing home the bacon so its okay. <3

My schooling is going awesome (: I hope to be finished and graduated before June or sooner! Then I can get my adult ed. classes for college out of the way before I start college. I have to take a math, science and a couple englishes because I didn’t get to finish or take them at public & the school I’m at doesn’t make you do them. But whatever (:

My boyfriend is a man with plan now about a house for us… not apartment, house. His mother has extra land and he calculated it all out & he wants to put in all the septic & electric& water stuff & stick a trailer on it. Hahah, gotta love boys. If he makes it happen or starts to make it happen, I’ll back him all the way haha (: The money from having a union job is getting to his head (: But its okay.

Due to his night shifts and him having to sleep during the day, I’m cleaning out my brother’s room & turning it into a “guest room”. So I can stay in there with [redacted] when my boyfriend is trying to sleep during the day… Then his crying woke wake up his sleepy daddy & vice versa. And my dad stays in there when his girlfriend stays over,( yeah they sleep in diff rooms… she’s weird) So it’ll be nice to have another room. It has to be cleaned completely & filled with mouse traps & painted before anyone can stay in there. I plan to get all that done before I go into labor.

I’m so happy with life right now(: Its just amazing. I got a bassinet and put it together all by myself (: SO proud. I have a little storage basket on the  underneath part with diapers, wipes, baby power and all that butt stuff & an extra package of diapers and wipes.

Okay, This is long & I wanna watch me some south park.(: