I loved you before I knew you. I've sheilded your little soul since day one. People all around await to greet you with open arms and open hearts. Others in an attempt to destroy your happiness. Though they may try they will not succeed. They come through me first and that's as far as they will get. I am your mommy. I am your protector. You are loved more than you will ever know. You have an (more…)
I've sat back and watched this all happen for long enough now. I'm waking myself up and shaking off the dust. My new attitude: I can handle anything that throws itself in my path. Bring it on. After all the torment, deceit, guilt and stress I'm picking myself up now and I will not be knocked down again. I'm over my life role as the star in a soap operah, this has gone beyond ridiculous (more…)
You were in the middle of purchasing those new heels you've had your eyes on when your cell rings. You answer to an unfamiliar voice on the other end telling you to come to the emergency as your loved one has just been registered. You drop the shoes and frantically drive in and out of traffic to reach them. You finally reach the hospital where you find them attatched to machines, nurses going (more…)
Wow, what a wild ride this is turning out to be! Aside from the paperwork I'm into up to my nose at work, things aren't turning out so bad. I'm in my twelfth week and will be beginning my second trimester next week. That means I get bigger right..? Eek! Many friends and family are aware of the pregnancy now and are estatic! Others whom we haven't seen in what seems to be forever don (more…)
I have my first ultrasound next Tuesday to figure out a due date. Afterwards I'll be making an appointment for my second ultrasound to find out the sex, very exciting! In the past week I've realised a lot. I got my blood taken for the first unpleasant time and felt like I would get sick or pass out, which is teaching me that in order for something good to happen sometimes you have to go through (more…)