So I've decided to forgive myself. What other choice do I have? Either I can sit here crying over a mistake I can't erase or I can learn from it and move on. I know my mind isn't right… because my heart isn't. I'm just praying that God will send me someone that can fix my heart. I've been trying to do it on my own for a while now and for a while things were going great (more…)
It's funny how fast life can change….. I mean one day you're a virgin and the next you're just…not. Well this past weekend I lost my virginity. I made it through 18 years and then I just lost it to some random guy at a party when I was drunk…… I can't blame anyone but myself. I knew what I was doing. But I went ahead and had sex anyways. Because I was curious. So now I&# (more…)
Hello everyone. This is my very first blog on Stand Up Girl. I don't even know if anyone's going to ever read this but I'll write it anyways.
I'm 18 years old and I live in Jersey. I'm a college student. Right now I'm single and looking for that "right" person… whatever that means. I've always been "little miss independent" and now I'm (more…)