Some things are just PRiCELESS

It is true what they say the best things in life are free. Sometimes we get so caught up in the monetary rewards and stresses of this world that we forget things that re most important. When discovering your about to have a baby the first (or second) thing that springs to mind as a young woman or teen is 'How am I gonna afford this'. We can often disregard the value of having a committed (more…)

Back on track?!

So were trying again…we decided we can't wait…well i say trying but those of you who i've started speaking too will know we don't really get to ''try'' very often at all so I know when it happens it was suposed to happen because for now me getting pregnant will be an off-chace sorta thing…Oh and good news…well…kinda…My cousin's pregnant! yeah…We were (more…)

Who’s choice is it anyway??

So yah…. AFTER ALLLL THIS….MY beautiful fiance decides he wants to wait till we get married to have a baby afterall..yeah…and I'm a little peed off cos thats what I wanted to begin  with and he didn't want that, he wanted to have a baby NOW NOW NOW! lol! but now he's decided what I wanted was best. But I can't say that I'm&nbsp (more…)

Want-to-be mum-to-be

Hi everybody,

                        My name CM and i'm 19, engaged, have a decent job that pays good and I really want to have a baby. Me and my man decided that i should come off the pill in July and have been doing it unprotected since. Granted we don't get to (more…)