Brand New Concept

As you probably gathered from my other (sightly poetic and aloof) blog entry: my cousin aborted the baby. She has said (or so I heard) that it was her decision so what can I say really? I tried. At least it's not for the sake of some loser idiot boy (at least I hope) but  can't pretend I'm not disappointed in her. Not that she needs to know thst but still…whats done (more…)

They rise and they fall…

If you look at it in terms of living through it on terms of living through it on the edge and under pressure, 9 months is a very long time…Just when I thought one of my nearest and dearest had made the concious decisioun to be a fantastic Stand-up girl and be the angel of choice of life for the tiny person growing inside of her, she falls, and puts an end to the madness that coul well maybe have (more…)

New Year/New Mission

So I have good news and that is my cousin decided to keep her baby after all…the babyfather bailed (who'da thought it!?) But she is being a Stand-up Girl and deciding that she is not goign to sacrafice the life of her baby for guy that aren't there to truely love and care for her. Three cheers!…

Hopefully she won't change her mind…i doubt she will…good.

As for me (more…)

My candle is dying out

Okay so i thought I might be pregnant yesterday but my symptoms have stopped which means it was probably all due to the fact that my period is coming (supposed to be on the 26th?) I guess i might be overreacting but part of me is losing hope…I'm jsut so fed up of being so excited of the slightest twing the minute change and the glimmer of hope that i might be pregnant. I sit here are make up (more…)

Little twinge of a little hope??

Hey girls it's Me again,

                               I'm a little excited, nervous don't know what to think I had sex with my bf a couple weeks ago (on my ovulation day) and today (which wold be my 3rd week of pregnancy if (more…)