I am starting to get so stressed out but it's pretty much only about the damn kittens. I mean I love them and all, they're so much fun and so cute but they will start going to the bathroom soon and since they live in my room I'll have to have a litter box in here. With a baby. Oh my god that sounds so horrible when you really put it into words, I've done research, toxoplasmosis is (more…)
Ok so I went to a NA meeting tonight and it helped me come to some revelations. We were talking about recovery and what we're most greatful for in it. When it was my turn to speak I still chose to say, I'm just listening thanks but this time it wasn't cause I didn't have anything to say, it was just because I wasn't ready to say it. So I guess I'll say it here, here in a place (more…)
So Odin is due October 19th now, not the 28th! Ten days earlier, hoo-lee-fuck.
That's ok, I'm as ready as I'm going to be, getting really tired of waiting, I'm so tired and humongous it's ridonculous.
We had the baby shower on the 26th and that was so much fun, there was more than 20 people there! So many presents and good food! Everyone loved the games too which I (more…)
So it's for sure now, the little baby growing inside me is a boy, giving me full rights to saying I told you so. I knew from the moment I found out I was pregnant that he was my little guy but this I've heard isn't too uncommon, most Mom's I've talked to said they knew what theirs were too. His name is Odin Phineas Jasper Vickers and I love him so much already, I'm 36 weeks (more…)