Are you a bad mother?
Do you go to work and put your kids in daycare?
“You are a bad mother”, your children will grow up and be criminals and have mental problems because they were away from you for too long.
Do you stay and home and look after the kids?
“You are a bad mother”, because your kids will now be anti-social and not know how to communicate with other kids, and you (more…)
Once upon a time there lived a man who really believed in God. And one day, there was a flood in his city.
So when the water was gushing down, he got down on his knees and prayed to God, please, God, save me. Suddenly, his neighbour runs into his house and cries, there's a spare seat in our car, do you want to escape with us?
No, says the man, God will save me.
The water kept (more…)
Baby, I got you on my mind isn't just the title of a song. I really was thinking about a second baby — my friends still can't believe how absolutely incurably clucky I am, nor my wish to have five more children when I already know how much work one is.
But I've thought about it. It isn't the fact that it isn't financially or emotionally viable — oh, it is, especially (more…)
And then I got to uni.
I did a lot of things I regret, but maybe I needed them. Sometimes I didn't go to lectures; I went for walks instead. I looked at the birds and the trees, and really appreciated everything. I did a lot of stupid things, and I must have acted irrationally. I still wasn't sure where I was or how I had ended up here.
I wore the most ridiculous outfits; (more…)
So the time passes, the time flies.
Yesterday, my ancestors were settling the banks of the Volga.
Yesterday, my great grandfather was returning from the Great War a hero.
Yesterday, my parents had just met in a small restaraunt.
Yesterday, a little girl was just born, with the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck, but as soon as she could breath, screaming so hard the (more…)