i would have done it differently

I got pregnant with twins when I was sixteen years old. Me and my fiancée were both overjoyed. Then on Easter, I got into a bad car wreck and lost my babies. It was devastating for me. I was a wreck.

I decided to get the shot so it couldn’t happen again. I wasn’t ready to deal with it all. I went and got it then me and my fiancé had sex that night. My doctor did not tell me I had to wait any amount of time for the shot to be effective. I am now nine weeks pregnant. I was so scared and didn’t want another pregnancy. I thought about not telling my fiancé and getting an abortion. I am a CNA and I thought I was going to see if I could hear the baby’s heartbeat. I raised it to my stomach and there it was, my baby, my pride and joy. I knew I couldn’t do it. I told my fiancé that night and we just bought a crib.

Don’t ever think you can’t do something from a previous experience. God is always there for you.


Okay, so I am almost seventeen years old. On April 4, I miscarried my twin girls.

It was the hardest thing I have ever been through. With love from my parents, fiancé, and his family, I got through it. God had a big part in it as well. They will never be forgotten. Well, we are trying to start over and live our lives with them as our angels. We have decided to get married in June. I am currently 20 days late from my period and I am almost positive I am pregnant. I am not sure how I feel it’s all a little overwhelming. We have decided that if I am, we will be just as happy as we ever have been because we love each other very much.

We will never forget our babies, but we are now looking forward to a life with our family.


twinstwinstwinstwins! o god help us now!

bigg news

So I found out I was pregnant about four weeks ago. Me and my boyfriend were both pretty much in shock. Neither one of us ever thought that this would happen to us.

We finally told our parents and they are coping pretty well. I am turning 17 in May and a baby bump is not what I wanted. I just moved to a new school this year and was really trying to fit in well. I went to the doctor today because I am ten weeks along and have already gained 24 pounds. My ultrasound came out onto the screen with much more than expected. Twins. I am still in shock from the news today, but I am coming to. I didn’t expect this to happen to me nor did I wish it. We have decided to keep the baby and raise them with any help we can get.

If anybody has been through something like this and wouldn’t mind giving me some advice, I will take all I can get.