i would have done it differently
I got pregnant with twins when I was sixteen years old. Me and my fiancée were both overjoyed. Then on Easter, I got into a bad car wreck and lost my babies. It was devastating for me. I was a wreck. I decided to get the shot so it couldn’t happen again. I wasn’t ready […]

I got pregnant with twins when I was sixteen years old. Me and my fiancée were both overjoyed. Then on Easter, I got into a bad car wreck and lost my babies. It was devastating for me. I was a wreck.

I decided to get the shot so it couldn’t happen again. I wasn’t ready to deal with it all. I went and got it then me and my fiancé had sex that night. My doctor did not tell me I had to wait any amount of time for the shot to be effective. I am now nine weeks pregnant. I was so scared and didn’t want another pregnancy. I thought about not telling my fiancé and getting an abortion. I am a CNA and I thought I was going to see if I could hear the baby’s heartbeat. I raised it to my stomach and there it was, my baby, my pride and joy. I knew I couldn’t do it. I told my fiancé that night and we just bought a crib.

Don’t ever think you can’t do something from a previous experience. God is always there for you.

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