Happy decided to keep the baby

Been to the doctor and decided to keep the baby.

I don’t know if my boyfriend is going to stand by me because he doesn’t want to be a dad, but this is the right choice for me and I’ve realized that I need to do this for me.

16, pregnant and okay with it

Okay, so I’m 16 years old and I’m currently 6 months pregnant. I got pregnant in August and am due to have a beautiful baby boy on May 9th. I am still with the father of my baby and we are happy and supportive for each other’s sake.

Finances have become rather difficult but eventually, we will find a way of coping. I’m excited but frightened at the same time. I mean I can’t wait to have a little boy to call my son, but things are gonna be rough, that’s for sure. I’m still attending school to complete my education through outreach. I’m in grade 11 and I am not going to let any of my schooling slip. I have a strong mindset and keep myself on track very well. Sometimes, I feel like I just can’t wait to not be pregnant anymore. I just want to be able to hold him in my arms and think “Okay, yeah I did this”.

Life really can’t get any easier. =D

I had unprotected sex and lied to my boyfriend =[ Advice?

Ok well, I am madly in love with my boyfriend and I have lost my virginity to him, right?

So we have had sex and it was protected…But then we stopped using the condoms and stuff because we thought it was ok because we were both virgins. Then, to make him stop worrying…I told him I had got these injections to stop me from getting pregnant and now he is coming inside me. I don’t know how to tell him I was lying and I don’t know if I should go to the clinic or ahhh! I’m really not sure what to do =[ Please can someone give me some kind of advice because I’m freaking out and I really don’t wanna lose him, but I wanna be safe as well.


April 29th is for sure the date.

Well, it’s almost the end of month #4. I’m starting to get the hang of being pregnant.

I’m really scared. I haven’t seen my boyfriend in a while, at least not since my birthday. When he first found out I was pregnant, he told me he was going to support me and help me get through this, but I almost want to believe he only said that because my mom told me she wanted me out of the house if I was so-called ready to start a family. For one, it was an accident, it’s not like we both agreed on having a child while he’s in college and I’m still graduating nor did we actually plan the sex. That, randomly happened.

Lately, I’ve been playing Black Ops… it’s been nice and scary at the same time; I’ll say one thing though, gaming sure reduces the stress!

help me… am afraid,,

Help me answer the questions on my mind.

Is it safe to have sex, 6 days after menstruation? Could I get pregnant? My last menstruation started on January 9 and ended on January 14. I had intercourse on January 20. We didn’t use condoms. We used the withdrawal method.

I am so afraid… Please do help me…I asked my boyfriend he said it was safe, coz he pulled out before he ejaculated, near to my navel. I’m just afraid. Is there a possibility that I can be pregnant? And what shall I do not to get pregnant and have my period next month?

Thanks a lot. Your advice will be a great help to my problem.


My son Kieran Xavier was born on the 22 of November, 6 weeks premature; 5 pound 5 ounces.

We all thought we were going to lose him. He was in the hospital for just over 4 weeks and we had nothing but problems with the special care nursery staff. They almost dropped him, his head was hit on the humidity crib, left in dirty nappies for hours, missed out on feeds, and my milk was dried up due to stress. I had to put him on formula. Now we have him home, he is thriving. His last weigh-in two weeks ago was 8 pounds 9 ounces. His father came to see him once, only to say he still didn’t think he was his and that he wanted nothing to do with him. We are currently fighting for a court order for a DNA test and for his dad to sign the birth certificate and for child support.

I am in a happy relationship now and my partner loves my son as much as he does me