I was on a website reading about what’s in store this week & I saw this is a forum off to the side… Copy & paste if you want(:
1. How many weeks along are you?
– 25 weeks and 6 days
2. Do you know the gender of your baby?
– Little boy (:
3. Have you picked out names? (Share if you like)
– Thomas Douglas III, We’re going to call him Trace, like the number three.
4. Have you had colustrum/breast milk yet?
– Yes, around 15 weeks. It comes out if I am laying on my side & my arm squishes my boob. Icky.
5. Have you had Braxton Hicks?
– Yes
6. Has your baby dropped yet?
– Nope
7. Are you a FTM?
– Yes
8. Who is most excited about baby besides you?
– Everyone lol.
9. Are you measuring ahead? Behind? normal?
-About normal.
10. Do you have a linea negra?
– Nope
11. Do you have swelling?
– Not really no.
12. Do you have mood swings?
– yeah, they aren’t terrible. I’d say they’re close to pms-y.
13. Do you have/had morning sickness?
– neverr.
14. Do you/did you have cravings? What for? Any aversions?
– It varies. Usually its just sugary treats, like chocolate&wonka candy.
15. What other pregnancy symptoms have you had?
– All of them. Sore breasts, leg cramps[started recently], cravings, heightened sense of smell, everything.
16. What things do you still have to buy for baby?
– A crib&bedding. We have clothes, stroller, swing and car seat that his mom gave us, so we just have to get the crib&the bedding.
17. Do you have a scheduled induction date, c-section, going natural, midwife….
– I’m going natural
18. Are you still working?
– Yes. Until october 15th, then the resturant where i work closes for the season. yay&nay at hte same time.
19. How many ultra sounds have you had?
– 2
20. Have you had a baby shower?
– I have one on november 6th
21. What are you most tired of hearing re: pregnancy?
– “Its it toms?” umm ya… “boy or girl!?” “can i touch?!!?” no way.
22. Where does baby kick?
– every which way he can. He’s discovered just under my ribs and my sides when i have cramps there.
23. Where have you grown most aside from baby bump?
– boobs, and apparently my booty cuz that’s the only place I’ve got stretch marks lol…
24. Do you have stretch marks?
– On my butt, one on my left thigh and on my right boob… So weird places i know…
25. Can you still shave?
– Its incredibly difficult and uncomfortable to do my legs. ‘Down there’ is pretty much impossible.
26. What can’t you do now, that you could earlier in pregnancy?
– See my toesies. Shave. Walk a normal speed.. I now waddle.
Today, I was on my way to get on birth control- because my boyfriend and I started having sex again… The nurse did my exam and handed me a cup… Pregnancy Test time!!!
No clear result…
Blood Work…
Positive. I’m 2-3 weeks pregnant… WHAT THE HELL!
I’m supposed to be happy right??????? I’m NOT! :// I don’t know what to do!
I was 16 when I had my first son and I’ve grown and experienced a lot since then.
I’m always free to talk, answer questions, anything. I’m a stay-at-home momma and I LOVE talking to people even If it’s just about the weather.
I hope to get the chance to follow your stories and be a part of your experience 🙂
I’m 20 years old. I like to share my story with others because it really shows that no matter what, you can do this, and no matter what, you’re not alone.
I’m currently 19 weeks pregnant and very excited for this baby to come! However, my boyfriend, not so much. We’ve been together for 5 years and definitely have our ups and downs, but one thing we always shared was truly loving each other. He joined the service and I couldn’t have been prouder of him. He was following his dreams. When he got back, we went away to separate schools and survived that. Then a year ago, we moved in together. Things were good for a while, but as usual, something was getting in the way of us being truly happy. Well, we tried to work things out for several months and it seemed that everything was finally going to work out.
Well, the second week of June came around and I found out I was pregnant. I’ve been on birth control for 3 years and know how to take it properly. However, I forgot to take it 3 days in a row and bam, I became pregnant. I was really nervous to tell my significant other, but finally got up the courage to do so. His first reaction wasn’t really a reaction at all. He was just kinda like, “Ummm, really? Okay.” So the next day, I made him sit down with me and tell me how he really felt about it. He was terrified as most men are when they first hear the news. He said that he’d be there for me and the baby and I was over the moon. For once, things were going to be good. Well, 2 weeks later, I came home from work and all of his things were gone. He called me a few days later to tell me that he wasn’t ready for a baby and if I wasn’t going to have an abortion, then he couldn’t be with me anymore. I thought about this for a while. I really wanted him in my life, but I also already loved this baby so much. After no contact with him for about a week, I made the decision to keep my baby. I told him that I was keeping it and I really haven’t heard from him since.
Ladies, when it comes to pregnancy, you need to do what’s right for you! Not your parents, or boyfriend, or even friends. This decision is ultimately yours and you can do whatever you feel is right in your heart. You don’t need a man to help you through it and remember this, anyone can be a father. But it takes a special man to be a Dad. Also, support lies all around you. My family and friends have been great support for me throughout this entire pregnancy so far and whenever I do feel alone, I look at my growing belly and remind myself that I made the best decision for me and I have more love for this baby than I ever thought possible.
I just got back from my doctor’s appointment not too long ago, and getting my glasses as well.
I asked when my due date was, and he said he wasn’t going to change it and that it is November 18th.
I asked him if he could tell if my little guy was healthy and such, and he said yes. Well, of course by what he can tell. So, that makes me happier.
My sugar test came back good (: And I had to do another blood test today, because last time my doctor forgot.. So I will hopefully know the results of all my tests at my next appointment.
My next doctor’s appointment is two weeks from now, on September 26th.
I am very happy with the way my pregnancy is going so far (:
Tomorrow, I have to drop a note off to my Vice Principal so that she can rearrange things to get ‘home instruction’ for me I think it’s called. It’s so a teacher can home-school me while I am home with the little one for up to six weeks.
I will keep updating, you guys, and thank you for those who are supporting, and helping me, and following my journey with me (:
It’s going to be hard, and have its ups and downs, but really… Nothing is impossible, and I will go to show those doubters how teen mothers can be better mothers than older mothers. I am sick of this bad reputation that goes with teen mothers.
Let’s show em’! ^_^
We finally found out what we are having, a boy (:
We wanted a girl and were so ready to hear, “You’re having a girl”, but she’s a he and we couldn’t be happier! As we went into the ultrasound room I thought to myself ‘It’s definitely a boy’. My boyfriend told me he thought the same thing.
We’re so excited. (: We’ve bought sooo many clothes already, we might need to get another dresser! Haha. My baby shower is November 6th, I told guests we don’t need many newborn clothes because we have so many, but fleece & warm things are needed cuz he’s coming in Winter. You’d think in Maine there would be a lot more warm newborn outfits than there are…
My boyfriend just got another job. (: He works at a grinding place that sharpens knives & kitchen stuff. He makes $11 an hour which is greeat. We’re going to look at an apartment today. (:
Ahh, life <3
I started school again, It’s going pretty well. I skip a few days for different appointments and one of my days is really slack & none of the classes are required. Like I’m doing today, whoops. Ahh well. It’s going really good. Everyone LOVES to look at my belly & touch it and everything. People, girls especially, love to ask a bunch of questions. I answer all of them, of course, unless it’s mean or meant in a hurtful way. Then I ignore them. It’s the worst getting stuck behind me in the hallway though. I may not be big yet, but 20 extra pounds are making me waddle!! haha.
We just got a kitten too. Great baby practice cuz she’s up all night & always needs something. My boyfriend got my rat a cage & all kinds of little things yesterday, which is a surprise considering he says he hates her. He loves her, I know it. We’re getting her a friend in a few weeks (: SO excited.
Life is amazing right now, I couldn’t ask for anything more. Maybe nausea relief, but that’s all.