Welcome Dallas. (:
My weekly appointment was on November 8th. My blood pressure was high so he had me come back in the early morning on the 9th. My blood pressure was even higher than the day before so he sent me straight to the hospital. I was induced around 12, and my water was broken around 12:30 […]

My weekly appointment was on November 8th. My blood pressure was high so he had me come back in the early morning on the 9th. My blood pressure was even higher than the day before so he sent me straight to the hospital. I was induced around 12, and my water was broken around 12:30 pm. My baby was out of my tummy at 4:15 pm. I managed to do it all on just gas. I did have about 4 stitches, 2 in different places and I am a little sore, also my blood count is down so I am on iron. Other than that I am doing pretty good. (:

He was born at 38 weeks and 4 days. They said if my blood pressure was any higher, I could have started to have seizures.

He was born November 9th, 2011 at 4:15pm, weighing 7lbs 10oz and 19.3 inches long.

Mommy and daddy are extremely happy to be able to have our little man in our arms. (: <3

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