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  • in reply to: I’m 16 and just ruined my life #14281

    [color=#800080]Hey my name is Heather and i know EXACTLY how u feel. I got pregnant when i was 15 now im 16 and 6 weeks away from giving birth to a baby girl. When i first suspected i was pregnant i cried myself to sleep evrynite. My mom is strong in the christian belief and always told me that she knew i wasnt stupid enough to do something like being pregnant. But she was wrong. She knew i was pregnant w/o me ever opening my mouth! She confronted me about it and i was SO afraid that she would be mad but she wasnt mad she just had this look of complete disapointment like i had let her down. It was the worst feeling in the world. But i knew it wasnt this baby’s fault and there was NO way i was having an abortion. And i couldnt just give up something that was now a part of me. So im keeping my baby. My bf is now my fiance!! he has been happy from the start which helped so much bc i couldnt bare the thought of raising my baby w/o him!! But one advantage i do have over u is his parents are REALLY accepting of the whole thing!! Just please DONT let anyone talk u into having an abortion!! its NOT this babys fault… if u do decide to keep ur baby u probly WONT regret it! The joy and excitement of preparing for a baby is WONDERFUL…. and im sure welcoming ur new baby into the world will be the BEST feeling u will ever have!! But if u ever need anything or anyone to talk to im always here!! Hope to hear from u soon!!! Let me know wut u plan on doing about ur situation!!!
    <3 Heather[/color]

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