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ParticipantThankyou so much for replying, and I apologise for the late reply myself- We just got back from a camping trip (worst week for family issues ever as my mother finally lost it with my brother and basically had a meltdown, but that’s a different matter completely). Unfortunately…. I’m not so sure that I AM going to keep the baby. Most of my friends, if I told them, would act like the stereotypical freak-out friends that you always hear about. “How could you let yourself into that situation?” “Why would you even do that?” “How could you screw up so badly?”. So that’s already one area of support that would be lacking for my child. Also, my relationship with my mother is complicated, as I’m sure it is for a lot of girls. We’ve been fighting for years now, and there was a time where we couldn’t be in the same room without yelling at eachother, over anything. Trust me when I say that she doesn’t have the longest fuse of them all, it really doesn’t take a lot to set her off. However, this year, we’ve been a lot better. We’ve talked some things over, and we go to eachother a lot of the time for advice, but that’s been put in jeopardy several times over the smallest things that SHE considers to be a big deal, and I clearly don’t. Given that… I just really don’t want to spoil things between my mother and I, especially considering that this is going to be a big year for me. I start grade 12 this year, so it’s my last year of highschool, and it won’t be too long before I’m going to be going to college and looking for a place of my own, to make my own start at life. I just… I really don’t want to leave on bad terms with my mother, because of a mistake that I made. So there’s another area where support for my child, would be lacking. And of course, the last area of support is financially… which really isn’t good for me right now. As it is, I haven no clue how I’m going to even afford to go to college. My father divorced my mother when I was 5 years old, so until 2001 when I was 9 years old, she was raising my brother and I as a single mum- because of that she hasn’t been able to put any money aside for me in terms of education, because all her money WENT to my brother and I anyways. My dad lives in England, while we live here in Canada, and he tries to cut down the money he pays every month as much as he can. I’ve approached him a few times about the money subject, but he just changes it as soon as her get the chance. I don’t want to bring my child into a world where he or she won’t get the support she deserves, or where I can’t even afford to buy her the diapers, milk, clothes, soothers e.t.c every week. If I’m going to have a child, I want to be able to support her as financially as I possibly can, which for me right now, is not a possible solution. I’m just… ugh. I’m just going through a really rough patch right now. Any help or anything from you girls is really appreciated. Thanks again for replying MissKirsty! -Nicola
Participantokay…. I asked my boyfriend to pick me up a home test because I couldn’t get to one, and he did. I also had the perfect chance to take it as well, as we were going to the movies tonight. So I took the test when I got there and… it came out positive. I am in fact pregnant… and I don’t think I’ve been more scared in my life. The strange thing is, although I’ve had a pregnancy scare before… This time, it’s kind of different. Before I was scared out of my mind the whole time until I bought a test… this time, I’ve been much more… calm? Those pains that I have been having went away for about two days, but they returned yesterday morning more severe than ever. This morning was just as bad, if not worse. As much as I had had hope that I wouldn’t be pregnant, that I wouldn’t have to go through all of this… I think a part of me kind of knew that I was. Please… any help, or advice, or ANYTHING that you girls can give me… it would really be appreciated at a time like this for me. Thanks girls, Nicola.
Participantthankyou for replying guys, I really appreciate it. unfortunately I haven’t yet been able to go out and by myself a pregnancy test yet…. But i can promise that I will go as soon as possible. The last period that I had was last month, it was late though so it didn’t come until (I THINK) the 18th-20th? See, the last two months my period has been kind of off- in May it was really early, and then in June it was really late. And then this month…well, I haven’t had my period yet. Like I said in my first post, I have had the symptoms that I get WITH my period such as the cramps, but no blood. I will definitely go to see my doctor after I have had the pregnancy test, because if the test DOES come out negative then I want to look into whether I am having an overdue period. Thanks again guys, I really appreciate the support and help, especially since I’m so worried/nervous and haven’t really had anyone else to talk to about this without them starting to question me non stop- unfortunately my friends have a habit of doing that, and the responses they give to anything is normally negative.