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ParticipantIm currently in a similar situation. Not saying this will happen to you but…. you need to protect yourself and your baby before anything else. So I was with my boyfriend for 3 years…he also is a heroine addict. He was clean throughout my pregnancy but always was so against going to rehab. He made every excuse in the book not to go, he was clean so why would he. Slowly but surely during the last few months of pregnancy he started lying and sneaking around and everytime I would catch him doing it he would deny and get mad and it was miserable for me. I had my baby July 28th 2009, it was too much for him to handle and he went back to using habitualy, we were fighting on a daily basis but I was so in love with him and he claimed he was so in love with me and quite frankly I needed the support. Well after I nagged him day after day just to quit and get help and help me more, after our daughter was a month old exactly he left without a word. I thought he was dead until I found him 3 weeks later at some flop house a few cities away. He couldnt even talk to me and I am crushed over the situation. But I realize how strong heroine is and I have seen what it does. See you dont have any feelings on heroine and you are completly numb to everything around you. I would say if he wont stop and GET HELP (thats key because he’s not going to just stop on his own even if he says he can) then you need to leave before he destroys everything you have. It’s not a safe environment for you or the baby. In my opinnion you need to leave him if he wont get help. Too there is a chance CPS will take your baby for child endangerment if he’s around, they were threatening me after they found out the daddy was on heroine and even though Im not they said by allowing it to be around my daughter they could still take her. I wish the best for you either way, just make him choose no matter how hard it is and if he does choose heroine dont get down on yourself because he does love you im sure but heroine is just to important and if he chooses that over you , you’ll know he will never change anyway. And as far as a father figure I would rather have no dad than a doped up dad.