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  • in reply to: Post-Abortion Depression? #13782

    Im sorry to here about what happened. I know how it is to feel alone. I too was pregnant at a time and I told My boyfriend.I said to him were having a baby and went to give him a hug and he pushed me away . He told me to get an abortion and I was so devistated by his reaction. It really has scared are relationship and we may never get t right again. I had a misscariage with that one. I am pregant again and was told the same thing but not only by him by my father, my sister and basically every one else.I heard my sister say something that really hurt me she said that my boyfriend was forced into keeping the baby. nobody told him to have sex with me he did it willing. It really hurt to hear my sister think about the situation like she did . it made me feel like I was ruining his life which I had already felt. I really still feel very alone. It also seems like that was the only time my father really was worried about me and he wasnt worried about my feelings it was all about if I was ruining my life or not. Times are hard but dont give up.There wil be a right time for every thing and maybe both you and your future husband will be blessed an it wil be a happy ocasion.I know from my experience I will never take chances with a boy who is not my husband because time after time I have seen boys run away whe you need them the most( in a situation like this) Im not saying every one is like this but I hope you will see this as a experience you must learn from. Im hope I havent said any thing to hurt your feelings and I hope the best for you

    in reply to: loss of appetite #13335

    This is very normal the same thing happened to me and I also had to pee alot and I hadent eve missed my period yet. all my symptoms started right away. I knew I was pregnant about five days after I had sex.

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