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  • in reply to: Telling my Godly Mom #18479

    Honesty……I would expect disappointment. Disappointment in knowing that her grandchild was not born in the best circumstances for you, or your child.

    I would be patient and understanding with your parents. In spite of the circumstances, you chose life. Would seem like a no brainer, but we know that is not the case these days. SO I applaude you (and your boyfriend) for that. I would assume your parents also will be thankful for that.

    You mentioned that you are praying. I would continue that (we all should always). Prayer should be seeking God’s will for our lives, rather than trying to impose our will on Him. God knows best. When we violate that, we go astray. That has consequences, and eternal consequences. Bad eternal consequences if we do not conform our will to His, and good if we do. God, as loving Father, loves us and as a good parent wants what is best. He desires what is best for us and the "rules’ some think are so restrictive, actually keep us free from slavery to sin, and bad choices.

    So I would say continue to pray to now do what is best. We all make mistakes. Now there is a child in your womb though who is not a mistake, but a wonderful gift of God who deserves right choices, and responsible choices be made for her (him). I pray for you and your family. I would be honest with your parents. Their disappointment in the circumstances surrounding your pregnancy do not equal their lack of love for you or the child…..that is the reason for the disappointment. Prayer and time heals.


    Read…… A good book called, “The Good News About Sex and Marriage.” http://www.amazon.com/Good-News-About-Sex-Marriage/dp/1569552142

    IT is by author, Christopher West. It is from a catholic perspective, but regardless of what type of faith tradition (or none) is a great read for anyone.

    Also check out http://www.pureloveclub.com/ Or secular version http://www.pureloveclub.net/

    in reply to: Scared and Lonely! #18401

    Regardless of your past choices, you now need to think is what is best for you and your baby. She/he depends on you. Call 1-800-395-HELP (4357) 24 hrs a day. Bad choices in the past do not have to equal bad choices in the present/future. You are not alone.

    in reply to: Hi :) #18399

    Hi Evelien!

    So many today would support you in killing your baby, justifying this because of the circumstances she was conceived. In doing so this would of course only add injustice upon injustice. Killing an innocent person, and again commiting an evil upon her mother. You made the right choice. You chose life. Thank you Evelien! May God richly bless you, Josephine Allison Elisabeth, and your entire family!!


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