I really appreciate your reply! It is truly my passion to tell my story to all who need/want to hear it so as to be an encouragement to others so they will know that if I can do it, they can too! Granted my son is now 14 but I certainly haven’t forgot how much I struggled and what I had to overcome to get to where I am today. I clearly remember going to this meeting/orientation thing when I first went on welfare and I had to watch this stupid video, the whole time I was thinking that I can’t believe I am sitting here, about to start collecting monthly welfare checks and that this is what I had made of my life! I told myself that I wouldn’t become a statistic. I wouldn’t stay on welfare. I was going to do something with my life! It took alot of work but I finally got there! You are very fortunate to have a supportive boyfriend. Use all of the resources available to you and you will get through it – I promise. And in the end you’ll look back and feel a great sense of accomplishment and one day you’ll be telling your success story and be able to help others just like I’m doing today. Good luck to you! Hang in there! 🙂 Annette