Hey there. im only a month shy 16 and pregnant.
Um… all i got to say is. November 17 was the last day of my period
and my mensraul cycle is very few days ony lke 21 days. and it alwayscomes a bit early.
so i took test on december 6th cuz i just had the feelin i was pregnant..
NO SIGNS NTOHING… the test ws negative
I than took one Dec. 13 and it was poositve.. still no signs
Dec.14 i went to the doctor and he told me i was pregnant.
Till this day…
January 23 I have not gottn morning sickness or nothing.
FOOD CRAVINGS are bothering me.
but hun i never got sore boobs; just sore nipples and reall sensative
Hard all the time. And thats about.
My boobs still to this day dont get that sore..
Butt yaa if i were you i would go get a blood test
cuz if you are pregnant and keeping it.
yu wanna start eating healthy and "yadda,yadda" right from the beginning
Good luck