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id recommend you go get a blood test if possible. that will give you an accurate reading. u prob wouldnt be showing this early just yet. try and relax as stress can cause u not to get periodskylies
Participantsweetheart i just saw ur other post about the cancer. im so sorry u are facing this and i hope u arent facing it alone. i hope your girls are ok and growing strong. my prayers are with u
Participantim so sorry to hear of your loss. i havent had personal experience with loss but have had friends who have. i was frantic when pregnant and never believed id have them till they were in my arms. but u have experienced something much worse. i think all u can do hun is love your babies with everything u have and trust that there is a bigger plan out there for u and ur bubs. im sure ryan is loving being a big brother and looking at for his little sisters.
nothing wrong with formula for reflux bubs but u may need a thicker formula. getting them on medication for the reflux with also help. try elivating your cots by placing phone books under the cot legs so its on an angle. i would also look at perhaps a dummy if u dont already use one. try feeding upright and dont change nappy straight away avoid laying on back after feeds after around 20min then try. hope some of this helps.kylies
Participantyes its possible you can get postnatal depression up to 2yrs after having baby. by oldest is 2yrs old and i got diagnosed with her at 18months not long after my sons birth
Participanti am the same with my kids we dont do baby talk- we do copy their sounds but thats it. when our family did it we said just talk to her normally as it helps her learn better
Participanti dont have a blog as such but i do have a note book i write to them in. have done since the day i found out i was pregnant. i like to think theyll like it when older and have there own. im brutally honest as i want them to know why i parented the way i did, they way i loved them adn that its ok to feel like crap sometimes when ur a parent