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  • in reply to: Okay.. just looking for some advice #12098

    I think your probably pregnant aswell. I’d guessed about a week before my period was due that i was as i was exactly like you are now, feeling tired, taking naps, and feeling ill but not actually being ill. Take a test and don’t panic if its posotive cz what’s done is done and everything happens for a reason. I’m 16 and happily single as my ex is a waster! I’m 27 weeks pregnant and loving every minute. Don’t worry, everything will be fine. Kellie xx:)

    in reply to: DontHaveAKLUwut2do! #11514

    hi my name is kelly and i’m from the u.k. I can really understand your situation as much as any other teen mum. I’m also 16 and 5 months pregnant but I’m quite happy about being pregnant as i suffered a miscarriage in january, when i was only 15, and a week later my boyfriend was sent to prison for three months. I was completely lost, hurt and devestated. I was grieving for my lost unborn child and the feeling that i lost the person i loved 7 days after the tragedy, at a time when i needed him most. The physical pain of having a miscarriage was horrendous as i chose not to have a D&C and just miscarry the natural way by letting nature take its course. I bled for 3 whole weeks and had to return to school whilst i was hurting. People kept coming up to me saying that it was for the best and one woman actually said that she thanked god when she heard i miscarried as i "wouldn’t be able to cope". People, including my parents expected me to pull myself together and deal with it but i was in emotional turmoil. I really couldn’t cope and hated it when i heard of other people getting pregnant. I went downhill and decided that the only way things could ge better was if i got pregnant again even though i’m only 16 and don’t have a job. When my boyfriend was finally released from prison on my 16th birthday i was determined to get pregnant and it all happened quite fast. about 3 weeks after he got out i started to get all the symptoms and i imeadiately knew i was pregnant again so when my period was late i bought a pregnancy test and did it in a public toilet on my lunch break in town with 2 of my mates. When the blue line appeared i started to cry, i still don’t know if they were tears of joy or tears of fear. I didn’t return to school that day and instead went straight up to my boyfriend’s house where i broke the news. He was overjoyed and promised he’d change and find a job but he had an anti social behaviour order which meant he could go back to prison over the slightest thing. I decided i wasn’t going to stress over telling my parents this time and instead told them both straight away. They were both very dissappointed and my mother even kicked me out because there was no room for me and a baby at her house so on top of everything that i was going through i moved into a homeless hostel for young people and have been living there for 3 months now. Things started to look up for me as i had a much better relationship with my parents and the hostel was helping me find suitable training and helping with finding me a council house for me and the baby. But then one day my boyfriend decided to get really drunk and cause trouble so he was arrested and sent back to prison so i’m on my own again but i’m not going to let myself get depressed again and i’ll always remember the woman that thanked god about my miscarriage and i’m determined to prove her wrong by being a good and loving mother, at 16. I can’t wait to see my little baby’s face and know that once it is born i’ll see life in a very different way and that every decision i make will be to benefit my child’s life. My family are all exited about the baby’s birth now and have all started to buy clothes and stuff, especially my grandmother!! we have 1 week untill we find out the baby’s sex and we can’t wait and by then the baby’s father will be out and i’m willing to give him ONE more chance to prove he can be a good father to his child. I feel very lucky and blessed that i am able to have children as i know loads of people suffer the heartache of not being able to have children. I’m very lucky to have the chance of giving a child the gift of a good life with a loving mother even if i am young.

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