Hi! I lost my virginity when I was just 13, and I am still in the relationship. It was so special to me, and he was very gentle. I am lucky that I lost it to him, very lucky. He is my everything, and he gives me his all as I plan to give him. He is the only guy that I have had sex with and I am the only girl he has had sex with ’till this day. We are in love, and have been together for a couple of years now. Thankfully.
Don’t let this fool you.
I was so young, and things could have gone wrong in many ways.
I love him, but I do regret having sex so early. I wanted to wait until marriage, but I gave in. And that bothers me so much, esp. knowing that he would have stayed with me if I would have waited, he would have respected me enough. I didn’t even give him that chance. My hormones were raging and I let that take control.
Don’t give into this.
STAY STRONG, and keep you’re BOX to yourself for now: 😉