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  • in reply to: thanks!!! #21341

    heyy hunni yh was ova a yr now!!!hehe! he was desperate for a boy so he was ova the moon hehe! keelans 6 months now 😀 !!!!!! xxx

    in reply to: So Scared #16951

    yes that could be true hunni spesh as u used the pill 2days later! it may be too early to tell yet tho.wens ur next period due???? dont panik yourself we are all on here to support eachother…remember bad things can be turned into good u’ve justgot to look at it differently…im emillie im 17 and im 7 wks and 1 day preg..w/bplz xxx

    in reply to: love, advice, help… #16475

    hey im emillie im 17 and im pregnant too,this is my second pregnancy but i had a termination last tym.i found out on friday and went straight to da doctors and they gave me advice and im deffo keeping my baby..i have an appointment wiv the midwife on april 19th.i am in the same situationas u!! but i ent even told my partener!! im soo scared cz my partener didnt take my first pregnancy well….and neither did my mum!!! i just don’t no how to tell them!!! do u no how far u are????? my advice to u is to c ur doctor asap and they can give u advice…and my doctor told me dat you can talk to your doctor about any problems and worrys you have.keep me posted on how tings go plzzz w/b luff em xxxxx

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