Hi my name is Cilla and I had sex twice a month around Oct 9 n 13 not sure the dates . But I had my period on sept.01 n lasted only for 5 days . For me my periods are normal and regular but then I had my period again on Sept 28 and also lasted for 5 days so ended on Oct 02 after that ive been having major cleary white discharge i had major cramps pain on my left side right side and my abdomen my breastfeeding wasn’t sore because I breastfeed but i suppose to have my period on Oct 25 bUT it didn’t I was late it came on the 30th of October. I’ve been bleeding medium kind of blood dark red light red and on Nov 02 it was done I woke up nothing on my pad but later on that night i started bleeding again but still medium kind not heavy. I wanna know if there’s any chance I am pregnant ? Help please !I’m confused. This is the first time outta my 23 years this has happened to me so that’s why I have no idea.