Forum Replies Created
Participantmy boyfriend has gotten worse, i keep trying to tell him its not working out and he should leave, but he doesnt listen. its even gotten to the point where i try to leave the house and tell him to leave before i come back. he tries to take my keys and follows me out to the car screaming about how im a horrible person and how its all my fault and keeps screaming while im backing out the drive way and while im going down the road. when i come back, hes still here and want to say sorry and i love you and all the other b/s. ive made it clear many times i dont want this relationship and he just wont leave. i dont want to get the cops involved because i dont think its that bad, and i dont need a restraining order because i am pregnant with his kid, i just want him to grow up and be civil about it, what do i do? how do i explain to him that i want it over and its not going to work, without him freaking on me and screaming and yelling in front of my daughter?
i think he may have been scared at first, the thought to a guy of bringing a new life into the world freaks them out! i think your choice of keeping it was a good one and now that he sees your serious, he will start to be more ok with it.
just dont push him and he will do it by himself. he may be a bit skiddish at first, but once he sees that beautiful baby u guys made, he will fall in love.
he just needs some time to clear his head.bttrfly_187
Participanti just called your helpline and they referred me to the pregnancy center, i called them and they talked to me for a minute and told me to come down tomorrow and talk to them. thank you so much for your help. i think i am going to keep it. im so glad that there are websites like this for people like me. i am so thankful for the support
Participanti know its probably bad to say, but i dont know what to do. im already having a hard time taking care of one, and the other the father has custody of and wont give her back without a custody battle.i dont have a job and i cant get one because i cant afford or get my youngest into childcare. im living at my moms and im trying to get my own place and shes giving me no support. she only wants to know when im getting out of her house. its so hard to deal with my boyfriend and i just dont know how im going to take care of another one by myself. im just so confused and alone