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Participanti know what it is like to lose i child i have lost three in the matter of a year. my twin girls Feb 19th 2009 at 26 weeks and now my thrid daughter today Nov 11th 2009 at 23 weeks
it is hard and i still mourn for my little ones but their is nothing we can really do about it God was just not ready for us to have children yet and he needed our little ones more then we did. we now have our little angels in heaven with the Lord watching over us and we will meet them one day and hold them in our arms as we were supposed to.
their isnt much advise to give let yourself mourn for as long as you need to i know it feels like the end of the world but it truely isnt. you will one day have more children and you will love them just the way you would love your lost child you will never forget your lost child though. i am so very sorry about your loss i hope things get well.
God Bless our Angel BabiesBabyGirl
Participanti lost my virginity at 14. it was the worst night of my life is prolly the best i could explain it i wish i still kept it. the whole school found out within days after it happened and my life was sent into termoil i put myself into the hospital two weeks later by over doesing on pills becuase i was over welmed with drama by girls who needed to mind their own buisness i was told while i was in the hospital that i was pregnant i told them it was impossible i had only had sex once their was no way i could be pregnant but sure enough i was i got out two weeks later and went for my first doctors appointment and they told me not only was i having one but i was having two little children. i found out at 18 weeks that i was having two little girls Makana Evelyn and Dahlia Jewel is what i named them. the doctor told me it didnt look very good for me to have my little girls because i was so tiny i was 5’5” and bearly 100lbs i had only gained 5lbs in my pregnancy so far. they told me not to get my hopes up on having my daughters but i did anyways and sure enough at 26weeks Makana died they indused me and told me that it would be easier if i let them pull Dahlia out too even tho she was still alive so i did. i lost both of my little girls that night.
but the moral of my story is even if its your first time having sex, you use a condom, you have birth control and you take plan B after you have sex their is still a chance of you getting pregnant because that is what happened to me. sex is also very addicting i seem to want it all the time. its sort of like a drug i am now 15 years old and 22 weeks pregnant wish i wouldnt be in the positon im in.
just know that having sex comes with alot of responsibilities. -