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ParticipantWhat you are describing sounds very much like being pregnant. I am preganat at 17 weeks I concieved in october. I had the same symptoms as you except for the menstration, however some woman do have a light menstration through out the entire pregncy. I have a friend who recently went in to the doctors office for a pregnancy test. The first one she had was a false negative. Meaning they said she was not pregnant but she really was. Her symptoms continued and she went in again and got a positive result.
From what you mentioned it sounds like if you are pregnant you probably concieved in november, this would put you well into your first trimester and near the second trimester. I advise that you retrun the doctors office so another test can be done. You can also take a home preganacy test if you want. If you decide to go to the docotrs office I would ask for a blood test and instead of a standard urine test which many locations do. Blood test usually give you more acurate readings and it will allow the docotrs to have a better idea of how much hcg hormone is in your blood if any. Hcg is the hormaone you get when you become pregant.
I encourage you to take action as soon as possible, if you are pregnant you need to see a docotr or midwife etc on a regular basis for the sake of the baby’s health as well as your own. If you would like to speak with me furhter feel free to.
Jer: 29:11Angel_Eyes
ParticipantI have had a misscarriage and know how your friend feels. The best thing you can do is let her know that you are there for her in whatever way she needs support. If she needs to talk be a good listener. If she needs someone just to lean on and know that she’s not being judged than be that for her.
You mentioned that she is feeling guilt over some things she said. This is somewhat normal. Many people who have experience misscarriage(s) go through the process of I should of done this or should not have done that. This attitude of questioning ones self will go from the actions they took to the feelings they had. She needs to sort out how she feels now.
For me, researching helped to overcome the guilt that I felt. The first trimester is the most susceptable to misscarriage. The body will spontaneously abourt an embryo or fetus that is not developing correctly and there is nothing the mother can do about it or to prevent it, Its just the bodies process. It is no ones fualt either. Another thing is that if the egg is fertilized and implants late in ovulation or even manages to after ovulation, the chances of a misscarriage are greatly increased.
Jer: 29:11 -