I am pregnant and only 16. Me and my boyfriend are really scared, and even considering abortion. I thought it would be the easy way out, but now I realize that there is NO easy way out. He told me when we first found out, about a week ago, that he wanted to keep it… but he doesn’t really ever have an opinion, he just said it because he thought that’s what I wanted to do. I could tell. So I told him later that I think we should have an abortion he was more happy to hear that. I feel kind of guilty for getting him into this, though it’s not really my fault. I just need some personal advice, rather than reading others stories, not that they haven’t helped. I am so confused about what I should be doing, I want to be a psychiatrist and I’m afraid if I have the baby neither of us will be able to accomplish our goals. Another factor is what my family is going to say, Brandon is mixed, and I know my dad wasn’t too thrilled about me even dating him, but my mom just LOVES him. But I really worry about their reactions and that of other members of my family. I have decided to tell my mom tonight, because Brandon is over here and we’ll tell her together, but I am so scared. Someone PLEASE give me some sort of advice, thanks.