1 week to my abortion.

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    I no what it’s like to pregnant and scared.I’m sixteen and a mom of 13 month old twin girls… and I might be pregnant again. My little girls are the loves of my life. I know things seem hopeless but somehow you get through it. But imagine how hopeless you feel if you have the abortion. You will never get this precious little life inside you back. It is heartbreaking to consider adopting your baby out but so is abortion. This website was a life saver for me. Check it as often as you can. If you go through with the abortion, you will always remember the pain of the abortion. With every future pregnancy, you will always wonder what could have been. Dont rush this decision. Think about your little baby inside you.


    To introduce myself my name is April. I just wanted to tell you my name before i start to give someone i dont know advice. I am 27 years old with an 8 year old daughter named Kaitlyn. I was 18 when i got pregnant (just out of highschool) I will admit that I thought about abortion to because my boyfriend didnt want our child and that it was a socalled easy salution to a big problem. I didnt know what i wanted at that time. What helped me decide was to think "could I really go through having an abortion, knowing fair well that Im taking an inocent life" Was it to benefit me or my boyfriend? The post on here that states there is a video on abortion that you would want to see. YOU SHOULD SEE IT! [But its graphic] The site is http://abort73.com/HTML/I-case.html

    It is a big choice.

    By the way my boyfriend and I are not together now but that doesnt mean I would give up my daughter because of that. Im married to a wonderful man and we have one daughter together and another on the way!. I honestly doent think you will be able to forgive yourself if you go through with the abortion. Please get back to me what ever you decide. Even if you nned to talk to someone.Im here for you.

    Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/11/16 15:25


    I just found this website today and pray that you have not gone thru with your abortion. I had an abortion in 2000 and let me tell you having the abortion is the "easy" part. The guilt and shame never go away. I am here if you need to talk. Even if you have had the abortion I am here for you and will pray for you.



    if you want to known what it feels like after having a abortion talk to because that is the wrong thing for you to do if you want you can email me than we can talk on the phone but DON’T DO THE ABORTION every day of my life i think about the baby now iam pregant again and i still can’t replace the feeling from the first baby]


    please dont have the abortion.

    there are alot of girls on here that have gone through an abortion and i am one of them and i wish that i didnt.

    please think first,



    please dont have the abortion.

    there are alot of girls on here that have gone through an abortion and i am one of them and i wish that i didnt.

    please think first,



    Don’t go through with it. It will haunt you for the rest of your life. Have that baby!


    Girl I just turned 13 today and I’m pregnant I agree it’s very hard and I am 8 1/2 months pregnant I have never considered an abortion I think of it this way your going to have a baby it’s inisent it didn’t do nothing to deserve to die so why kill it I told my boyfriend I was pregnant he left me and then he came back wanted me have an abortion but I told him what we were doing to this child I explained it to him and he agreed with me and now were expecting twin baby girls you can do what you like but I hope you get this in time.Carrissa

    Post edited by: SweetTea, at: 2006/11/19 14:54


    I think you should keep your baby. Your boyfriend maybe confused. I considered it too but I will keep our baby.
    Think about it.
    Big hug


    Hi to anyone considering getting an abortion please dont. You know the song Jesus loves the little children all the children of the world red and yellow black and white they are precious in his sight!! children are a gift the Lord gives us they may seem to come at a hard time but God has his reasons.I got pregnant when I was 15 and was sooo scared but that child has been a joy to me he makes me smile when noone else can.I married his Dad soon after he has been the only man i have ever been with and we had another child when i was 17 and 19 and they are a blessing from God. just remember we all have a reason for being born and God knows the reason he is sending you a baby even when you dont know just pray he will be with you when noone else is and also I have went back to college. I am 30 now so a child is no excuse not to finish college you can do it even on your own!! God bless you and your child !


    I just wanted to share something with you. I got pregnant at age 15 (a few weeks before my 16th birtI just wanted to share something with you. I got pregnant at age 15 (a few weeks before my 16th birthday) I was a junior in high school and totally in love with my boyfriend jason he had actually asked me to marry him before we ever started doing anythig but still looking back i was 15 what was i thinking about? lol no 15 year old should get engaged! anyway i was scared. we talked about everything. at first he wanted to keep, i thought more about adoption and even a little about abortion. I found out I was pregnant on march 12 (kinda late) and didnt go to a doctor until august 4 I was due october 28. I also got an ultrasound that day and found out I was having twins! it was so fun to see those cute guys on the screen they werent too little as i was pretty far along. I went through with the pregnancy (obviously) and me and jason decided it was best to place them for adoption. he came with me to different groups and things like that. it was so great to actually have him there… anyway after we had the twins we placed them and did something stupid… we got pregnant again. That baby I thought about abortion even more than the first one because jason and i started having problems in our relationship and i thot it would help us if i got one. long story short we ended up breaking up and without him puching me anymore i totally didnt want an abortion. i realised it was all because of him. my little baby girl is now almost 3 months old and i placed her with the same family that has the boys. i can see them whenever i want and get pics etc. it has been such a blessing i cant believe i even thot about killing my own child. they each have such different personalities and are so cute and fun! if you guys arent ready i would strongly reccommend an open adoption or even closed if you would prefer. i have nightmares even just about thinkin about the abortion and what might have happened… i dont know if this helps at all but i really would strongly suggest looking at all options. if you need anybody to talk to feel free to email me. i know how it is with a man and then without. with twins and with a single baby! lol i finished high school with two prgnancies and wlaked with my class and even took a dental assisting course in college that i finished even before high school while i was pregnant! i had the twins in october (i started the course in aug so was pregnant through the beginning of the year… then had the twins… and got pregnant not even six weeks later and was pregnant through the rest. I wouldnt reccommend this much work but it can be done. i was determined and you sound like you have high expectations and great goals. i dont want you to feel your baby is in the way because i felt that way and it scewed my thinking about what i wanted most for my children i know it is hard but you are strong. please please dont make a big mistake! if you cant take care of that child someone else out there will love and care for it just as much as if they had given birht to it themselves. it is so wonderful to see their faces light up when they see that little baby and even when you hold your baby for the first time it is such a wonderful feeling that sweeps over you. i cant even begin to describe ti to you!! i am just begging that you look at all the options and dont let your man pressure you. i mean it is great that he is in there with you but ultimately women are more emotional and it will hurt you a lot more than it ever would him. it is inside you! you will be the one that sits through the shot or the procedure and you will be the one that bleeds knowing that it is your own child. it gives me chills to even think about that now. please think of your baby he/she cant speak so i am trying to for him/her!!hday) I was a junior in high school and totally 🙂


    I just wanted to share something with you. I got pregnant at age 15 (a few weeks before my 16th birthday) I was a junior in high school and totally in love with my boyfriend jason he had actually asked me to marry him before we ever started doing anythig but still looking back i was 15 what was i thinking about? lol no 15 year old should get engaged! anyway i was scared. we talked about everything. at first he wanted to keep, i thought more about adoption and even a little about abortion. I found out I was pregnant on march 12 (kinda late) and didnt go to a doctor until august 4 I was due october 28. I also got an ultrasound that day and found out I was having twins! it was so fun to see those cute guys on the screen they werent too little as i was pretty far along. I went through with the pregnancy (obviously) and me and jason decided it was best to place them for adoption. he came with me to different groups and things like that. it was so great to actually have him there… anyway after we had the twins we placed them and did something stupid… we got pregnant again. That baby I thought about abortion even more than the first one because jason and i started having problems in our relationship and i thot it would help us if i got one. long story short we ended up breaking up and without him puching me anymore i totally didnt want an abortion. i realised it was all because of him. my little baby girl is now almost 3 months old and i placed her with the same family that has the boys. i can see them whenever i want and get pics etc. it has been such a blessing i cant believe i even thot about killing my own child. they each have such different personalities and are so cute and fun! if you guys arent ready i would strongly reccommend an open adoption or even closed if you would prefer. i have nightmares even just about thinkin about the abortion and what might have happened… i dont know if this helps at all but i really would strongly suggest looking at all options. if you need anybody to talk to feel free to email me. i know how it is with a man and then without. with twins and with a single baby! lol i finished high school with two prgnancies and wlaked with my class and even took a dental assisting course in college that i finished even before high school while i was pregnant! i had the twins in october (i started the course in aug so was pregnant through the beginning of the year… then had the twins… and got pregnant not even six weeks later and was pregnant through the rest. I wouldnt reccommend this much work but it can be done. i was determined and you sound like you have high expectations and great goals. i dont want you to feel your baby is in the way because i felt that way and it scewed my thinking about what i wanted most for my children i know it is hard but you are strong. please please dont make a big mistake! if you cant take care of that child someone else out there will love and care for it just as much as if they had given birht to it themselves. it is so wonderful to see their faces light up when they see that little baby and even when you hold your baby for the first time it is such a wonderful feeling that sweeps over you. i cant even begin to describe ti to you!! i am just begging that you look at all the options and dont let your man pressure you. i mean it is great that he is in there with you but ultimately women are more emotional and it will hurt you a lot more than it ever would him. it is inside you! you will be the one that sits through the shot or the procedure and you will be the one that bleeds knowing that it is your own child. it gives me chills to even think about that now. please think of your baby he/she cant speak so i am trying to for him/her!!:)


    dont have an abortion, i did and it was the most hardest thing in the world and something that you wont get over. i had my operation 7 weeks ago and still it hurts.

    please think out giving birth to your child and then if still you dont feel like keeping it, give it to a family that cant have kids and try have an open adoption. please think about it

    keep us posted


    that story helped me so much and thank u for sharing that with us I’m 13 and pregnant for the second time with tins both times 7th grade now and I dropped out to take care of them e-mail me at rissa_roo1993@hotmail.com


    Hey i know exactly how you feel! i’ve been with my boyfriend for about two years now and were very much in love. I am seventeen years old and a senior in high school. im 18 weeks pregnant and i’m due in april, two months before i graduate. i haven’t even started college yet. its hard to deal with getting pregnant unexpectedly no matter where you are in your schooling or career so i’m not trying to say that my situation is more severe. i’m also not going to tell you that what you are thinking is sick and wrong. to be honest i was thinking the same way. i found out what i had to do to get an abortion and found out that i had to have parent’s permission since i’m underage. i knew my mom wouldn’t be for it and i also knew that it wouldn’t be the end of the world if i brought a child into the world, although it would be hard, it would be worth it too. i told my family, had my first doctor’s appt and saw my little baby on the ultrasound screen. in that instant i knew that i could not terminate my pregnancy and was absolutely disgusted with myself for thinking that way. so, take this very important piece of advice, wait until you have one doctor’s appt and see that baby on the screen (take your boyfriend with you), if you still feel that you should go through with an abortion, then go with your instincts (no one know’s better than you). just wait for that one moment. you’re baby’s life is worth it, and so is yours. you don’t deserve a broken heart over a decision you have to make.


    Hi my name is Camila and i read your story, You can do it, you can have this child if you made it this far in life you can make with a baby in your life. Your asking God to help you and in his eyes he will help you if you do the right thing, Don’t kill your child it’s not it’s fault that your prenant. Just pray and ask God to help you don’t give up on yourself it’s not like your the only one your boyfriend is gonna love that child just as much as you are. Your baby is going to be beutiful. PLEASE DON’T DO IT. i know it’s not gonna be easy but as soon as you let God in your life trust me you’ll do alot better and your in collage you have a lot going for yourself so please don’t mess that up. GOD BLESS YOU 🙂

    Post edited by: SweetTea, at: 2006/11/26 14:18


    you have to rethink everything you are thinkin ! you had sex and now your pregnant ! your life isnt your life anymore, it’s also your baby . i know you want to finish college and be normal but having an abortion to complete your dreams doesnt seem fair .

    — ABORTiONS can be deadly as well . not everyone SURViVES ABORTiONS !!!! 🙁

    please rethink everything ! talk to your boyfriend !


    God will help you, if you let Him. Sweetheart, please don’t go through with it. PLEASE! I was in the same position as you, 28 years ago. Worse yet, my boyfriend dumped me after he learned I was pregnant. I was alone, and so I had the abortion.

    Believe me when I say, it is not worth it. It was the worst thing I had ever done in my entire life. I live with the consequences of that choice every day to this very day. The clinics will never tell you that, they gloss over what it really does to a woman’s mental health and emotions, long-term.

    Post edited by: SweetTea, at: 2006/11/26 01:40


    hi, reading your story makes me feel really upset for you as i can imagine what you might be going thru. i was 23 when i fell pregnant and my husband did not want a child and said i should abort. of course i couldn’t snd didn’t and now my husband dwells on our dughter who is now just over 2 years old.
    i am now studying my law degree going to full time work so it isn’t end all to have a baby. i done know what support you have but i had alot of support from my parents. if you want to keep the baby then do so. remember if your bf loves you he will respect your decision. fellas come and go but we didn’t know how many chances we have been given by god to have a baby and that thought would not let me have an abortion.please think about it very hard and go with your heart. my daughter is the best thing that has happened to me and she’ll love me forever where as partners come and go.


    I first of all want to confront the last line of your post.

    God help me.

    If you really mean that God will help you, but you have to believe that he will and he can.

    Second of all, my sister went throught the same thing you are going through now, She got pregnant, she was in the middle of college, it was the first time she had sex. Her boyfriend was bi-polar. She decided to keep the child and marry the guy, Keeping the child was her best decision, marrying the guy not so much, He was abusive and so she divorced him and moved back in with my family. Her life was a wreck, but she asked God for help and he was there. She finished college, and is married with another child to a wonderful man. The child she decided to keep is now 12 and named Cooper. He is a wonderful blessing to everyone that knows him.

    I know you are scared, and worried but let me assure you, you can do this.
    You can have this child and finish college. This boyfriend of yours, sounds a little unstable. I know he is the greatest and you love him, and he is the best guy ever. But if he can’t stand by you in any decision you make than he is not the right one.


    Imagine if your mom would have aborted your siblings. Can you imagine not having them? This child is going to bless your life more than you could ever know.

    If you need anything else, please feel free to email me.


    dear destinysplea,

    god bless you. words cannot express how much my heart goes out to you and your baby right now. the fact that you are having such strong second thoughts about your abortion is no accident! there are so many things i wish i could say to you right now that i hardly know where to begin.
    for your sake, and for the sake of the beautiful baby growing inside of you, cancel your abortion. the child growing inside of you is no less human or deserving of life than you or me.
    when i want to put abortion into perspective, it always helps me to think of it in terms of stages of development. just because a 5-year old and a 55-year old are at very different stages of development (for example, a 5 year old needs constant care and has not yet reached his or her full intellectual potential) does not mean that his/her life is less valuable than the life of the 55-year old. no one would argue for a person’s right to kill the 5-year old simply because he/she cannot fend for him/herself. the difference between a 5-year old and a 55-year old, developmentally speaking, is no different than the difference between your baby and a teenager. sure, they are at different stages of mental and physical development, but if given the opportunity, both will grow up to be fully functioning adults!
    i hope that something i have said today will help you in your decision this week. i will be praying for you and your baby every day, and i mean that. stay strong! don’t allow pressure or convenience to compromise what you believe is right. you are going to make a wonderful mother!

    god bless you!

    <3 emily m (20-year old fetus)

    Post edited by: David, at: 2006/11/28 07:43


    i had an abortion on the 3rd of February this year and it broke my heart. i have felt empty ever since. its a gap you will never replace. follow your heart because i didnt follow mine……..






    i think it’s your body so definatly your choice. your boyfriend may be supportive either way, but your the one who has a child for the rest of your life, they are able to walk away at any momment.


    I’m sorry you’re facing such a difficult situation
    I was in a similar position a few weeks ago and eventually decided to go ahead with the termination. I’m at university and having a baby really would have put an end to most of my plans. It was the hardest choice I’ve ever had to make… I have never cried as much in my life as I did for a week afterwards and I think faced with the same decision I would keep the baby.


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