Hi, I’m new to this and I have read many of the entries. They are affecting me because I am in da middle of deciding what to do bout my pregnancy.
I found out I was pregnant and I’m prolly 7 weeks in. I told my boyfriend’s parents and they gave me da money to get a abortion. Deep down inside of me, even though I don’t always make da best decisions, I want to keep da baby and feel I will be a good mother, but I don’t want to put it up for adoption because I know I do not want no one else raising my child. I’m so confused and have been trying to find answers but it seems I can’t. My boyfriend, da father, supports whatever decision I decide but sometimes I feel we won’t be ready. I’m only in my second year in college and I know it will be hard to tell my real family and my foster family because they all expect me to do great. I cry every night just thinkin dat if I kill my baby, I will never be da same. I’m so scared and don’t know wat to do.
For any gurl reading this, please know that even if you’re thinkin bout havin a abortion, it affects you already. Everyday, I wonder what’s goin to happen but I know that dis is a decision that, no matter what I decided, will follow me for the rest of my life. Hopefully, my faith in God will be stronger then any parents’ decision can be put towards me and that I make da right decision before its too late.